Prophesy's Borne

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S8, E2: Prophesy's Borne

Exactly Sixteen Years Earlier...

Emma cradled Baby Hope in her arms lovingly. It was the night of Regina's ceremony and they were about to retire to bed.

"How's Hope?" Killian sat next to Emma in his night clothes.

Baby Hope gurgled, making Killian laugh. He gave her his finger, which she held on to tightly, like she will never let go.

"I must say...very unique name you have to your child, Pirate."

Killian felt shocked and confused. Why is Emma talking to me like that?, he thought. And we both named her so...

His thoughts trailed off until Emma whispered his name harshly. He finally looked up and saw the man he had tried to fight for hundreds of years.

"Rumple," Killian raised his hook, "Why are you here?"

"To give a gift to your newborn child," Wish-World Rumple smiled, showing his yellow teeth.

"Then, give it and be on your way," Killian and Emma stood up, looking menacing.

"Let me just look at her."

Suddenly, Baby Hope disappeared in a puff of black smoke, reappearing in Rumple's arms.

"Oh ho ho! Such. A. Beauty! Though, you shouldn't have named her Hope. Sad, sad, sad..." Rumple frowned mockingly at the two parents.

"Give her back, or I'll make you," Emma threatened.

Rumple's face suddenly turned into actual fear, "No no no, I just wanted to tell you..."

"Nothing!" Killian interrupted, "you will have nothing to say...once you leave."

"No!" Rumple screeched as he got pushed by Emma, who was trying to get her baby back, "It's about the prophesy!"

Emma stopped, "What prophesy. I thought my prophesy was complete. I defeated your mother, or our world's Rumple's mother." She rolled her eyes.

Rumple (finally) giggled, "No, dearie! The prophesy of your little baby!"

Killian's face dropped, "What happens to her?!"

Rumple giggled again and looked at his fingernails.

Killian rushed to Rumple, "What happens?!"

The crocodile smiled, "Now you're interested. But, oh well." Rumple approached a window he was going to jump from and quickly gave Emma Baby Hope back with magic.

"Why?" Emma yelled, "why won't you tell us?!"

Rumple looked over his shoulder, "I'd rather leave you hanging than bring you safely back down."

The crocodile jumps out, leaving the two parents dazed.

Rumple has some explaining to do.

Exactly Sixteen Years Later...

" you want to tell me about this prophesy-thingy?"

Hope was laying on her bed, looking at the ceiling. Emma and Killian watched her nod her head side-to-side, counting the seconds she spent laying down. 1...2...3...4...5...

Hope finally got up, "What is the problem of me knowing?"

Killian started to talk, "Because the prophesy...might kill you."

The hero-parented girl shrugged, "Who cares? I don't, and for that matter, I can know. Plus, I already know of its existence."

Emma sighed, "Your 'path' or 'fate', as Rumple told us, is changed by your loved ones. It can lead you to three main ones: light, dark, and..."

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