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After lin created every thing he set a list of rules for this planet called the SINS here they are. 1. liking people your own age because thou person shall simp for one person that could be there dad/mom. 2. disrespecting lin. lin is the reason we are all here so we should never let thou down. 3. disrespecting the Hamilton cast, the Hamilton cast is apart of a beautiful musical. 4.NOT LIP BITING,  do i even have to explain this one. 5. have less than 20 pictures of lin having pictures of lin is the most important thing in this world to exist. 6. not listening to the whole Hamilton cast recording, you shall be listening to the whole hamilton cast recording since its a piece of A R T.  (thanks to some of the people in the lin worshiper discord sever for helping my come up with ideas <3)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2021 ⏰

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