chapter 1: Grooming the Wolf

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I stand in the front of the class, a clicker in hand to the power point that I have made. As I stand waiting to do my presentation all my class mates chat and gossip about, paying no mind to who their attention should be on. I grow impatient and upset and push my glasses up the brim of my nose, I then grab a textbook from an empty desk and drop the book with a loud slam. Everyone becomes silent and stare at me. I smile at them and walk back to the front of the class, everyone's eyes on me.

"Perfect! Now that I have finally got your attention, I can now do my presentation that I should've already been done with by now" I pace and click the screen

"I did my report on the book of one of the most beautiful love stories ever written, by William Shakespeare..." As I say this I hear a snicker from the desk closest to the door. I stop and glare at the boy in the seat

"Is there something funny about William Shakespeare?" I say in a very serious tone, he shakes his head and laughs a bit more

"No no, I just think it's ironic the the girl with no love life is talking about romance. To be honest I'm surprised you even know what love is.." I glare at him, a dark blush on my cheeks

"Excuse me? I probably know a lot more about romance and love than you ever will!" He raises an eyebrow at me and chuckles

"You're a feisty nerd aren't you." I srunch up my nose and walk away, continuing my report. I get halfway through it when the bell rings, I huff and pull the flash drive from the computer and shove it in my bag. When I turn around there's a guy standing in front of me, his eyes full of life and happiness. I raise an eyebrow at him

"Yes? Something you'd like you say to me?" Hearing my voice he burst into a fit of giggles

"Yes! I want to give you a makeover!!" He grabs my hands and gets really close

"What do you say? Will you let me make you gorgeous!?" I only shrug and smile

"Sure. I don't really have any plans, when do you want to do it?" He jumps up and down then calms down to speak

"Today after school! Meet me in the front of the school!" I nod and begin to walk away but he grabs my wrist

"Oh wait, what's your name? I'm Justin" I pull out of his grip

"I'm Juliet, now I really need to go!" I run off to my next class.

After school I wait in front of the school for Justin. A few minutes pass and I see him rush to me, the late fall air a bit brisk.

"So," I ask "your car or mine?" He begins walking to the school parking lot

"Let's take your car, I'm curious to see if your car is just as old as your fashion sense." I roll my eyes and walk a little faster. When we get to my car Justin looks at it in shock

"Oh my god! You're the owner of the beautiful convertible mustang!" I laugh and open the door.

"I don't look so bad anymore huh?" He just sticks out his tongue and get in the car. I start the car and look at him.

"So. Where to? The mall?" Justin nods excitedly

"Yes! That's a perfect place to start!" I begin driving and he just stares at me the whole time, I let him because I'm sure he's only doing this to figure out how I should look or something like that.

"I think we should do something like punk. I feel like you'd be punk." I glance at him and back to the road

"Okay" I say simply.

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