Arndele School Of Witchcraft And Wizardry

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There is 5 stop for The Train Cage which is the first stop is Arriens Alley a famous street in Arnderin, the second one is Arndele School of Witchcraft and Wizardry castle, it is Enormous, it has a cream wall and dark blue rooftops. The third one is Arnderin Town where all of the Arnderin people lives, it has many houses with the same colour cream and dark blue just like the castle, the fourth stop is Alden, a beach that has a magnificent view, from the railway it can be seen and the very last stop is Arnderin Station back to where Prim and Noah are. The Train Cage is just circling the enormous magic island- Prim and Noah stop by Arriens Alley to buy their equipment for the school. 

       "Ok, Noah so where are we going first?" asked Prim as they jumped out from the cage. "I'll just follow you," replied Noah"How, bout... Guim and Val's?"Okay, great choice, "They both take stairs to go down from the marble platform. The Arriens Alley just like the castle has a cream and dark blue rooftops but the front of every store is different from one another. The street is just straight and very tidy. Both of them are going to Guim and Val's, a bookstore where they always bought a book for school. Prim takes off her list on her pearly white case, flap the list and read it a little loud so that only Noah can hear it.             

 "That's a lot of books, but not much to buy other equipment," said Noah"Yeah, at least we don't have to buy uniform," added Prim"Where do we find broomstick servicing kit ?"No idea,"-They already finish with the books and find equipment in another store After a 1 and a half hour, they spend to buy their equipment, both of them go to the marble platform again to go to the castle, there were not many people waiting for the cage in the marble platform in Arriens Alley. As they jumped up on the cage,

           The Train Cage move fast enough to the next stop. It takes only 2 minutes to arrive. As they arrive, just like at Arriens Alley they need to take a few stairs to go down the land. The view from the platform was very nice enough with the gigantic bird statues Mocking jay, with a red and black feather as the school crest in Arndele. There's a path to the massive and dark blue oak door with a golden handle. In front of it, there is a woman with a dark purple cloak standing writing something, it's Professor Hewitt a divination teacher." Name?" asked Professor Hewitt without watching at them." Really?" bellowed Noah frowning at her, 

"your name?" 

"Ughh,- Noah Blight, third-year," barked Noah

"Prim Clark, third-year," said Prim coolly

Noah never likes Professor Hewitt but he's just don't like her quiver voice. They both enter the massive door and run towards another big door in front of them because they're a bit late. As they enter the Great Hall all of the students are already sitting in a group. Prim and Noah sit in the third-years table. The Great Hall is really big and white the hall is full of the marble floor and the very front where all of the staff, professor and the headmistress sit. In the middle, there are 6 long tables for the student. 

 The next minute a white and half aged woman standing wearing a gorgeous cloak start talking "Welcome, to all of you, without much chitchat I want to tell you this,- we will have a transfer student this year," Prim and Noah look a each other, amazed "by the end of August I will announce who will be transferred to Hogwarts, you must know that right, we will have 5 students to transfer to, so please inform Professor Logan if you want to be transferred, that's all. Enjoy your food," said Professor Reid, headmistress of the school.

"Sound interesting, isn't it," said a girl sitting next to Prim, it's Lana Preston Prim's roommate -After all of them enjoyed their food, everyone started going to their dormitory except Prim, Noah and a couple of people going to the staff room. As they arrived in the staff room they both go straight to Professor Logan "erhm," Noah clears his throat so that Professor Logan notice that they were there "ooh, Mr Blight, Mrs Clarke" noticed Professor Logan "what can I do for you?" asked Professor Logan

"We want to - err -," stammered Noah

"We want to be transferred, - can we?" snapped Prim

 "Well, write your name here," he gives them a list of a name there are only a few names on it, Noah and Prim started to write their name excitedly- "'re not chosen yet okay, we will announce it on the end of August" explained Profesor Logan, they both nodded. Prim and Noah joined the other to their dormitory, their dormitory is at the east tower. As Prim arrived in their dormitory all of the first-years jaws opened as they saw an exquisite lounge room, it has a spiral staircase and a lot of lounge area. "Ok, first-years, come gather round, my name is Olivia Greensmith I am your head girl here, first of all, congratulations on making to Arndele School Of Witchcraft and Wizardry" all of the student their applause including Prim and Noah-

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2021 ⏰

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