Important Reader Warning

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The fanfiction novella The Pariah by Wattpad user @thesweetestwords contains prolific quantities of explicit content; such as nudity, sexual behavior, harassment, and intercourse, descriptive  language that may be unsuitable for readers under the age of 13, and domestic violence and abuse.  

On further notice, the reader of this all-accessible fanfiction novella was notified in advance.


I apologize for the solumn warning, but it really is crucial that my readers know what they're reading.  On all my explicit writing, I'm going to put down this warning as well.  I don't want to make it R-rated, because I feel that putting that as a rating limits a lot, so I do require that you read the warning before continuing on with reading, because I don't want to be reported for something that I warned you about, and if you do overlook it, I don't want anyone feeling uncomfortable with any explicit content that they did not expect.  Thank you! 

- Chloë (:

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2013 ⏰

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