02 × Seek the Past

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After work, SinB decided to walk home through the busy streets. Sometimes she can see people helping their friend who is drunk to walk. Sometimes she can see students laughing with their friends. Sometimes she also can see girls hanging out together for some fun.

"Gosh... its really remind me of her...", SinB smirk sadly looking her steps on the ground.

All of sudden rain starts to pour heavily on the city. SinB could only cover herself with her vest as she running through the rain. Everyone was seeking for a dry place, but then SinB spotted an old man who walk so slow thru the rain.

Without thinking much longer, SinB shared her vest with the old man, trying to protect both of them from every cold rain drops. The man flashed his smile to SinB gratefully.

"Thank you miss", he said.

"Not a problem~", SinB smiled back.

They managed to cover themselves from the rain. Standing inside a bus stop, the man again thanking SinB for her kindness.

"You really a kind woman", he said.

"Aniyo~ It's okay ahjusshi", SinB replied.

But somehow the old man keep looking at SinB from her head to her toe. SinB was a bit flustered at first, not until she was startled when the man stated...

"You have some regrets from your past, aren't you?", he ask.

"N-Ne?", SinB eyes was widen for a moment. Then the man examined SinB face again.

"I see that you want to save someone from your past if you could", he continued.

"H-How... How did you know?", SinB ask.

"Here... I will give you this as a reply for your kindness", he suddenly handed out a tiny glass bottle with some kind of crystal blue liquid inside it. SinB was flustered to take it, but slowly she reach the bottle and hold it in her hand.

"May I ask you what is this?", SinB ask.

"This will help you", the old man replied.

SinB take a look at the bottle. Is this some kind of poison? Should she take it? Or maybe not? It's not good to take something from a stranger tho.

"But for--"

SinB looked at her left and she was shocked when the man already gone.

"--what... should I do with this..."

















Chapter 2 : Seek the past

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