Chapter Three: Elements

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I stopped in the doorway, cautiously eyeing the silhouette. Before I could speak, Loki stepped out from the shadowed corner, the light above now hitting his face to reveal an intrigued expression as I walked in.

"There's something about you," he began, eyes narrowing with suspicion.

"What- why are you here," I started, unsure of whether to engage in conversation or leave. As much as I felt nothing good could come from engaging, I was curious.

"There's something about you," he repeated, pausing to watch me intently. "Hiraeth. It's an interesting name," he continued, now looking around the room, slowly making his way towards me. He stopped, suddenly turning. "You're not from here," he said amused.

I didn't speak. He came forwards, stopping only a few steps in front of me.

"Who are you?" There was a sudden flash behind his eyes - excitement, intrigue.

He stood there momentarily, before deciding against patience. Reaching forwards he stepped swiftly towards me, hand outstretched. Reacting instantly, I blocked it, slamming him into the wall as I hastily moved backwards away from him. He only laughed, smiling unsettlingly.

I felt cold hands against my head from behind as the Loki in front of me disappeared, and I realised my mistake. I couldn't move, my mind overwhelmed with a series of memories, my vision blurring as each image flashed at a pace I couldn't keep up with. I soon fell to my knees, my surroundings blurred and unfamiliar.

"Interesting," he said lowly. Looking up at him I could see his brow furrowed, watching me intently.

"If anywhere, why here?" he enquired slowly, a playful tone in his voice. I struggled to compose my mind, though understanding dawned on me as I processed the memories I had just seen, memories that weren't from this reality.

I struggled to my feet, only to feel dizziness overcome me. "They can't know," I said, sounding far more desperate than intended.

He only smirked in response, walking out into the corridor. He looked back briefly with an expression I couldn't read - he looked interested, almost pleased, before closing the door behind him.


When morning came, I found I had fallen asleep where I had been on the floor. I stumbled up, got ready and made some food, taking it up to the roof to get some air. It was a nice view, the tall trees swaying gently, the wind blowing through and lifting the leaves off of the ground. It was peaceful, the air felt light and the sun provided a comforting warmth.

As I ate, I heard Peter's distant voice, "Morning Ace!"

I turned to find him standing on the roof on a far part of the building, waving his arms. He soon came swinging, dressed in his suit, until he reached where I sat on the edge of the building.

"Morning Peter," I laughed.

"You almost ready? Everyone wants to see what you're capable of."

"Yeah, I'm ready," I said nervously. I wasn't sure what anyone was expecting - they could be completely underwhelmed or overwhelmed by my ability.

I arrived with Peter at one of the fields by the compound. Loki stood watching us come over, the others in conversation.

Mr Stark came over to speak to me.
"Take it easy. We just want to see what you can do, that way I can sort out your suit and everyone can get a sense of how they can help you."

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