The Whore on Knockturn Alley (Drarry)

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((A/N: this is my first story, so go easy on me. Although criticism is fine, I like knowing how to make myself a better author. Well uh..this is boyxboy so no hate! Don't like, don't read. Here's your warning. ))

Chapter One

Draco sipped at his drink, thanking God that his shift was finally almost over. He motioned to the bartender for another fire whiskey, and looked over as a familiar face entered.

Potter entered the bar, wearing some muggle jeans and a tight t shirt. Draco sighed. Man, the bloke was attractive. Wait. What was he saying? /Potter/ was not attractive. Then he did the unexpected. He smiled. At Draco. And then sat next to him! "What do you want, potter?" He sighed, but his voice had no malice. Potter just smiled. Slimy bastard. "Just wanted to have a drink with you, Draco. " Draco rolled his eyes. "Sure Potter. Sure. "

Potter just laughed. "So, what are you doing here?" Draco stiffened. "I work here. " potter motioned to the bartender for a drink. "Oh? Doing what?" Draco coughed and muttered "Stripper. Plus handjobs and blowjobs for money. " he whispered. Potter spluttered on his new drink. "Well...why? Why couldn't you do something different. " Draco laughed humorlessly. "Who would want to hire me? Draco Malfoy, death water. People are just lining up to beg for my work. Sure. " Harry sighed, and put a hand on his knee. "I would've helped you. " Draco yanked away. "Yeah well it's too late. I made my choices. So unless you want to pay for my services, fuck off. " he snapped before turning away.

Harry sighed. "Look Draco. I just want to help you. Draco sneered. "Oh, so I'm perfect Potter's new charity case! I feel honored!" Harry sighed in frustration. "Draco, you aren't my new charity case. I honestly want to help you because you are a human being, and my friend. I've been looking for you since the war ended. I still can't thank you enough for switching sides. Draco shook his head and snorted. "Yeah right. " Harry grabbed his wrist. "I'm being serious. Come eat dinner with me. " he demanded. Draco rolle his eyes, but under the cool exterior he was flipping out. "Please. " potter sighed. "Fine. " Draco gave in and stood. "Lead the way. And this isn't a date." It wasn't. Really.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2013 ⏰

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