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This fanfiction is based on two One Shots I created about the "forgotten" Weasley sibling, Charlie Weasley. If you've been in the fandom for a while, then you'll understand that things the fandom have deemed to be fanon are way more interesting than things that she-who-shall-not-be-named have deemed to be canon. Such as for example, Sirius having a "bad boy" vibe back when he went to school at Hogwarts–the long hair, a black leather jacket–all from the fact that we know that Sirius had a motorcycle and he was quite an asshole back at Hogwarts.

We've created these things about our favourite characters. Many of us in the fandom have trouble remembering what's fanon and what's canon. One of these (apart from the Sirius one I talked about up above) is that many people have assumed and believe that Charlie Weasley is asexual. Some may even say he's aromantic too. We think this and believe this because he was rarely in the books and movies, and whenever he was, he was always eccentric about dragons–which is a type of asexual within the asexual community.

So that's what those one shots were about, Charlie realizing he's developed romantic feeling for you (since it's an x-reader one shot book), coming out to you, and then eventually his family. I've put in tons of effort into those one shots, being an asexual myself, and I'm really happy with the amount of support it's gotten, and even with the questions I've gotten, it's made me happy. Happy I can help educate people, even slightly, on asexuality as a whole.

So, onto the story: This book is about how you met Charlie, and your eventual budding friendship with the man. I'll take you on an adventure on love, sadness, and change throughout this novel. Enjoy!

||Am I Normal?||Charlie Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now