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Roulan Lee's pov

Why is it you...and not me....why oppa.........i..........im sorry...may your soul rest in peace.

I stood up trying my best to not breakdown more as i take one last glace at his grave. I kept telling myself to be stronger for him atleast.

(Why did you do this to me i thought .......,you understand me .....then why are you letting me suffer through all these pain again!!!!!!!)

Y/n-"argh so frustrating.." I said as tears left my eyes. " so damn annoying". I blurted out again before I took out my phone and checked those texts I got from my Dad

#I need your decision now y/n i havent got all week#

I didnt answer not in the mood to reply or just that i didnt wanna even decide it.He texted 20 more and i ignored every each one of them,that was it.He stopped.My phone vibrated again

It was him..'again?' he surely gave up texting me and called instead . I picked up and blurt out before he could even say anything

" Dad!!! cant you see im not interested right now!!!! Ill tell you when i decide it okay? Just please stop it !!! I wanna be alone* Its so annoying!!! "

"Y/n , i know you miss him.......we all do , but i dont think you should suffer too much .......... beacause i dont think he would want you to"

"I know"

There was a few moment of silence until dad broke it

"Well ! I wish you luck then * do remember to go to school honey "

I hummed not wanting to reply more

"Keep your books neatly,and never forget to eat your breakfast.....oh and your boyfrie......"

I hummed again not wanting him to reply too

"Ok2 dad I KNOW ! , I got it ok? im going now , bye* "

"Y/n!!!-------beep --------haish this girl......i was gonna tell her that hes visiting her soon...i guess heaven only knows how shock shed be when she sees him ,who cares??she knows anyway right ill surely have fun the next time we talk"

Time skips-

Roulan's apartment*

I sat down lazily too tired to even stand up and make coffee for myself but the scene my workshop table gives me literally breaks my heart. It was a bunch NO a HUUUGE bunch of aasignments that I have to go through this weekend.

 It was a bunch NO a HUUUGE bunch of aasignments that I have to go through this weekend

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2021 ⏰

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