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"Aw shit, not again!" Nate complains after a loud pop noise signals his marshmallow had fallen and exploded into the blazing heat of the fire. Everyone but Dylan was here, he was invited, just hasn't shown up.

"Just give up, I'll make you a s'more" Monica giggled." You're wasting them all!"

Demi was sitting on my outstretched legs while I leaned against a old, thick tree. Aiden was next to me followed by Nate, Jenny, Monica, and Kat. All of us were attempting s'mores, even me. I've successfully burned two, torched one, and eaten half a bar of chocolate to make up for it. Demi made me one if I promised to stop inhaling the sweet candy. It was worth it, in case you were wondering.

We were located at the abandoned park , since it's one of the only quiet places around and no one will interrupt our night activities. I hadn't been here since the talk with Aiden about milk and life being related. It's weird because I used to come all the time. I'd sit in the unstable swing and just think about random things for hours at a time. I guess I've just been busy.

"I talked to Dylan." Nate says, breaking the streak where the only noise was the crackle of the wood burning. "He's still upset about Demi breaking her vow to keep you safe and that you don't understand how he sees things. But he misses you, and I explained your predicament to him. Whether or not he'll forgive and forget, I can't say."

"Is he mad?" I asked worried. His anger is a long burning one. I can't lose him.

"I don't know. He wasn't very clear about that." Nate admits.

"No, not anymore. I can't stay mad at you, foster." Dylan huffs in te near distance.

"Dylan!" Everyone claims, happy that he showed up.

"Hey! Demi, I understand that you care about my sis very much, but so do I so do I do if she's touched or hurt in any negative way I swear on my life-" Dylan slightly edgy voice was cut off by Aiden's gentle ones to relax our friend.

"Covered it."

I hear Dylan such and take a marshmallow and a sharpened stick before sitting next to Demi and me. There's another silence only interrupted by the fire crackling into the night and Demi humming as she fiddles with my fingers.

"So have you two hooked up yet or?" Dylan asks referring to Demi and me. I know I'm blushing, but thankfully it's dark out.

"We're taking it slow." Demi says with a smile on her voice, her head leaning against my chest.

"Really slow." I hear Monica mumble.

"Your lucky finger guns don't work!" I grumble while pretending to shoot her with my fingers.

Everyone laughs. I may be smiling but I've already hit her twice mentally.

"The stars look beautful tonight." Katia comments after a silence.

"I bet they do." I comment

"Don't worry babes, they don't shine as bright as you." Demi coos

"She's blushing!" Jenny says excitedly.'she' must be me because I can feel my face heating up. I get even hotter when I feel Demi's soft lips peck my cheek before laying down and pulling me with her.

"Fact time?" Dylan asks everyone. I feel like I don't have a choice but to oblige when everyone agrees.

"Does anyone know how the moon was made?" I ask. When no one answers I continue." An asteroid hit the bottom half of the moon, taking a piece off, making the earth no longer round, and causing the 23* tilted axis. It's also said that the same small asteroid caused the extinction of the dinosaurs. The broke. Pieces of earth stayed in orbit with our planet and eventually came together as one by their own gravitational force pulling them together. It took a insanely long time but, yeah."

"How do you know that?" Jenny asks amazed.

"Morgan freeman told me." I say

"What?" Dylan asks confused.

"Discovery channel." I explain

Eventually we all head back to go to bed since some have work in the morning. Everyone goes to their own homes except Demi, who decided to sleep with me in my house, on my bed. Like she doesn't know I have the hots for her.

"Goodnight, sleep tight, don't let the bedbugs bite." She jokes as she sinks next to me under the covers, both of us having gotten ready for bed already.

"Goodnight babygirl." I laugh, holding her closer to me, if possible. Her left side is already flattened out on top of me and her arm wrapped itself around me again, forbidding me to leave her side.

But I'm ok with it. I don't want to anyway.
----------------------------------------------vote and comment you thought! Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed! It's not a great chapter, but still. Dylan's back!!!!!! If you have any questions you can ask here, as long as it won't give away the plot.

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