chapter 1

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it was any other normal day in avengers tower Amy woke up at the usual 6:30 in the morning for her morning run and her gym work out as she was walking to the kitchen steve exited his room ready for his run too. it was normal for them the go on runs together even though it wasn't planned steve always managed to wake up in time to join Amy. what she didn't know was that this was on purpose because he wanted to spend time with her outside of training and everyone else in the avengers. 

Amy was able to keep up with steve on these runs because during her time in hydra she had been given the super-soldier serum not many people knew this because she didn't like to broadcast this. 

once they had got back from their run at 9:00 Amy went to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water and was about to head down to the gym when J.A.R.V.I.S interrupted and said that their was a meeting in 20 mins just enough time to have a shower and get dressed. that was exactly what she did.

now they were all sitting in the conference room waiting for fury to arrive. as soon as he arrived the mission came up on the screen and it was a hydra base that she had been kept in for 3 years of her life. at this point, her breath got caught in her throat and her posture straightened bucky seemed to notice this and spoke up "hey ammes are you alright" her breathing started to quicken and bucky was immediately by her side.

at times like these everyone knew she would only respond to Russian because it was like she couldn't understand anything else. she started to mutter" не там нигде, но там я не могу вернуться, я не могу вернуться, что, если они меня я не могу вернуться"(translate not there anywhere but there I can't go back I can't go back what if they get me I can't go back)(this was the place where most of the experimenting happened and the worst trauma happened)

bucky responded with "Я не буду позволять им вам никто из команды не будет, но мы нуждаемся в вас на этой миссии вы знаете, это место, как задней части вашей руки вы будете в порядке?"(translate I won't let them get you none of the team will but we need you on this mission you know this place like the back of your hand will you be okay?)

at this point, she started to calm down and she realized that she would have to miss her and Meridiths monthly dinner so she excused herself and made a phone call. ( all the avengers know of her sister but they haven't actually met her)

at the hospital where Meredith works

she was in the middle of surgery when Amy called she was assisting Docter shepherd with clipping an aneurysm when her phone went off, one of the scrub nurses spoke up and said "Docter grey your phone is ringing someone called Amy is calling you" Meredith knew it was always important to pick up to you because of your job she knew she could go months without any contact not even knowing whether or not you are safe.

Meredith spoke up " ok thanks, Derek I need to get this it is important to thank you for letting me help tho" with that she left the or and answered the phone.

phone call 

Amy: hey Mer I just need to let you know that I cant make dinner because I have a mission fr a hydra base and we leave tonight sorry but maybe we can reschedule until Saturday.

Meredith: yeah that fine I was looking forward to seeing you thought yh I can do Saturday it is my day off maybe we can make a day with it 

Amy: yh sound perfect I miss you 

Meredith: miss you too and don't do anything stupid, ok I don't want you to get hurt 

Amy: How can I do anything stupid when it is all with you I have to go now but bye love ya

Meredith: yh bye love you to 

end phone call

see no one that Meredith works with knows of her sister because of her job it would put them in danger. 

It was an hour later and Derek walked up to her with a concerned look on his face "hey ate you ok" 

"yh I am fine nothing to worry about," she said very unconvincingly because she was worried sick about her little sister. Derek just sighed kissed her and walked away.

back at the tower

it was 6:00 pm now and they were all suited up and ready to go they all entered the quinjet and took off ready for their mission.

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