Fuck - 2 - Being Pushed Up Against A Wall

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Fuck - 2

"So kiss me, kiss me, kiss me, and tell me that I'll see you again. 'Cause I don't know if I can let you go." - Kiss Me Kiss Me by 5 Seconds Of Summer

I had to admit, Khan really knew how to handle a girl. Being the girl I was, I couldn't help but feel giddy. I mean, really giddy. I arrived at home just in time for curfew, and after I received a kiss on the cheek from my parents, I locked myself into my room, and just grinned at my pillow. After I finished grinning and punching the air and texting about it to my best friend, I added Khan to my contacts. I swear, I would've texted him, since I'm not the type of person that waits for someone to text her, but then began the daily round of yelling. This time, the fight consisted of my Uncle, Alvine, or Mom's brother.

"You don't fucking yell at my brother, Thomas! You would do the same if you were him!" Mom screamed.

"Dammit, Lilliana!" Dad hollered as he slammed his hand on something hard. "If he's being the GPS, he doesn't talk to the phone! He talks to me! I can't stop in the middle of the road!"

That's right about the time I fell asleep to the music blaring in my earphones.

I woke up at six in the morning, due to the alarm on my iPod. I volunteered at Uncle's restaurant, which he had named Uncle's Diner. He says it's because Uncles are awesome, I think he just wants people to call the waiters and waitresses "uncle" or "aunt."

It kind of grows on you after a while.

I left at six thirty, with the sky blue and the clouds pink. Sunsets were beautiful, but personally, I think sunrises are absolutely breathtaking. Maybe it's because not a lot of people are up that early, so they don't see it. I think it's a secret that only a few people know.

Oh, well.

I scanned the bus card, and plopped down on one of the seats in the back, next to the window. Plugging in my earphones, I blared my music as I looked to my right, greeting my reflection. My dark hair wasn't elbow length yet, it was frizzy, and I mean frizzy, 'cause some of my hair was sticking up an inch above my head.

Oh, well. At least it wasn't anything out of the ordinary.

I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around, but there was no one there. Frowning, I turned back around, wondering if I imagined it or not, when I notice a leg next to mine. Alarmed, I looked up, to see a very attractive face next to mine.

I huffed as I paused my music and took off my earphones.

"I can hear your music," Khan smiles.

I inhaled his smell, and what do you know? He smelled like smoke, which was just another thing I found attractive about him. "Okay...?"

Khan nodded awkwardly. "So, um, you didn't text me last night."

"Nope. I called."

Khan's eyebrows furrowed. "No, you didn't."

"I know."

Khan blinked, while I fumbled with my thumbs. This was awkward. Should I start talking? Or resume listening to music?

Khan took out a cigarette, and a lighter. I flinched as the heat from the small flame hit my face, earning a strange look from him. "You didn't have a problem with smoking yesterday."

I shook my head. "No, I just, uh, don't like fire?"

Okay, that sounded like a question.

"Where are you going?"

His voice had resumed that demanding tone, just like yesterday. I didn't like it. Oh, well. It was just a question, right? No harm in answering a question. "Uncle's Diner."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2015 ⏰

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