february third, 2021

7 0 0


- swearing, like lots

-uh, kinda bullying? literally just some girls making fun of me lolz

so today i had a basketball tournament at some big ass high school, we were in the gym getting ready for the warm up, putting on our shoes, and my phone fell out of my bag. a girl on my team picked it up and questioned my lock screen, which was akaashi keiji. it kinda went like this,

 "lily, whos that person on your wallpaper?"

"oh, thats akaashi!"


"he is an anime character."

"oh, cool!"

BUT THEN, this girl who has always hated me, lets call her blair, came up to me and was like,

"yeah sorry lily, but anime is weird."

sis??? youre?? listening???? in??? on???? my???? conversation?????

anyways, who asked for her opinion. literally nobody. 

"yeah sorry blair, but i dont remember asking if it was weird or not?"


then i forgot what happened afterwards 👁👅👁

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2021 ⏰

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