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Might as well give you some information on my OC before we go in here.

Name: Michael Perez

Year: Senior

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Looks: Short black hair, brown eyes

School name: Sakuragaoka high (If you know where that is from you get a cookie)

Hairstyle: Short hair that is easily maintained

Accessories: Grey beanie that he wears almost all the time, shoulder bag that he keeps random stuff in, such as a Rubik's Cube (That he can also solve. [Don't mean to flex or anything but I can solve a Rubik's cube in under a minute])

Personality: Laid back most of the time, has trouble interpreting emotions of himself and others, sarcasm is key, whether it be for fun/jokes or just for the sake of being sarcastic

Likes: Reading good stories, pets of any kind (with exceptions), games

Dislikes: People he's close to being hurt, going outside, delinquents and bullies


As a heads up, all speech will be in Japanese unless I say so.

Generic opening for a show of any kind is a go

No, not that I..! *sighs* Screw it. Just watch it... I guess. I'll uh, get the opening set up once you're done with that.

I take it your back now, so uh, welcome back. Here's the opening I planned. If you didn't watch the video. Do it now.

Welcome back once more. Let's continue.

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