Test of Courage

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3rd Person

"Tis been a week or so since I've arrived at the School Living Club. And I really like it. Since the entire school runs on solar, I've been able to charge my phone I've kept on me for whatever reason. Now we just need to get those WiFi towers working," Michael writes in a handheld journal he's held onto, "Oh well, something to get to when the time comes. I don't even know how to restore comms to all of Japan. But hey, I'll figure it out. Maybe. I don't know. We got problems to focus on. Such as the shortage of food and other supplies. Let's hope this school's cafeteria has canned food."

He closes his personal journal and slips it back into his trusty shoulder bag.

"Well... What to do..."

As if waiting for this moment, Yuuri enters the main club room.

"Oh, good morning Yuuri-San," Michael says, giving her a little wave before taking a sip of tea that he recently brewed 

"Good morning Perez-San," Yuuri says, still half-awake

"If you want, I made some tea. It's on the counter," He'd say pointing over to the counter. Resting on it are each of the member's cups. Filled with homemade tea. Er, school-made tea

The two sit in silence other than the occasional drinking noises. Until Michael decides to fill this dead air with something now that Yuuri is fully awake.

"So I decided to do something productive today, and I found that our food supplies we have currently won't last another week or so. We're gonna need to go on a supply run soon."

"Hm, what's our current stock?"

Michael opens his personal journal and flips to the page where he took inventory of everything

"A single thing of curry, Ten hardtacks, a can of beans, and a can of beef. That's all our supplies. Throw in power and we're not gonna have a good time. Been cloudy for a while now, and we're not gathering as much electricity as wanted."

"Hm... That does seem bad... Alright, it's settled. We go on a supply run this night."

"Hold up, why at night?" Michael asks

"Did you not know?" Yuuri responds, earning a headshake from Michael, "Well, they still retain their memory, even after death. So most of them will be gone at night."

"Then why not just do everything at night?"

Suddenly, Kurumi walks in to answer his question.

"Low visibility, and it's easy to get surprised. Also good morning Michael-Kun, Rii-San"

"When the hell did... Nevermind... G'morning Kurumi-San. Tea's on the counter. More water in the kettle if you want more."

Kurumi gives a small nod before heading over to the counter

"Back to the matter at hand, supply run. How do we get this past Yuki? Because I don't have any ideas."

"I genuinely don't know... Who knows? Maybe Yuki might think of something herself." Yuuri replies, going back to thinking

A sudden knock on the door draws our attention, the door opening to reveal the final two members.

"Oh, good morning Yuki-san, Miki-san," Michael says, greeting the final two with the same spiel. All while switching that mental switch to compensate for Yuki's state of mind

"Oh, good morning Michael-Kun!" Yuki says, energetic as usual.

"Good morning Michael-senpai," Miki says almost in complete contrast to Yuki.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2021 ⏰

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