XIII - fun with firewhiskey

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C'mon, C'mon, C'mon.

Arabella tapped her nails against the desk as she stared at the clock, counting down the minutes until the end of the lesson. It was finally Friday, and she was losing her mind waiting for the bell to ring.

"If this class goes on for any longer, Hogwarts is going to gain another ghost," Arabella whispered to Daphne who sat beside her. "History of Magic is going to kill me."

Daphne lifted her head from where it had been resting on the table and glanced at the clock, perking up at what she saw.

"Only a minute left," Daphne replied, starting to shove her belongings into her bag.

The bell rang moments later, causing the students to immediately jump up and rush out of the classroom, ignoring Professor Binns who was still droning on about the Goblin War of 1763.

Arabella and Daphne linked arms and hurried down the halls to the dungeons, Blaise joining them on their way.

He slung an arm over Arabella. "Are you ready for tonight? One of the 'Puffs got a hold of a couple of crates of Firewhiskey, its gonna be a rager."

"I've been waiting the entire term!" Daphne exclaimed, squeezing Arabella's arm in excitement.

Arabella laughed at her friend's antics. "It's only been a week!"

"And?" Daphne raised an eyebrow. "I've still been waiting all of the term that we've been here."

The three Slytherins dropped their stuff by their dorms and headed to the Great Hall, joining Draco and Pansy who were already seated at the table.

Around the room, the upper years were talking excitedly amongst themselves. The first party of the year was always a big deal, as had been explained to Arabella, and everyone seemed to be discussing it.

"Hurry up!" Pansy crossed her arms, tapping her foot impatiently.

"Merlin, Pansy, we've only just sat down."

"Then it shouldn't be hard to stand back up!" Pansy stood, waiting for the other girls to follow suit.

Arabella quickly drank the rest of her pumpkin juice before standing and rushing out of the hall to get ready.


"Shh!" Pansy glared at the giggling Arabella and Daphne as they crept out of the common room. "Do you want to get caught?"

Arabella was already a bit tipsy, the girls having pregamed before in their dorm room, and only laughed louder, causing Pansy to slap a hand over her mouth to silence her. Arabella licked her hand and winked when Pansy jerked back and began fervently wiping her hand on her dress in disgust.

The Slytherin girls managed to make their way to the Hufflepuff common room without incident. Pansy knocked a pattern on a few barrels, which opened to reveal the entrance. They headed in and were greeted by the sound of the bass pumping, audible even before they reached the party.

Daphne spotted Theo and immediately headed over to him, a determined look on her face.

"Galleon says they shag by the end of the night," Arabella said to Pansy, who laughed and agreed to the bet. "You're on!"

"Ladies!" Blaise swaggered up to them, three drinks in hand. "Here."

He handed a drink to both of them and then held out his own, "Cheers!"

The girls replied in turn and took a swig of their Firewhiskey, the first of many to come that night. Slightly tipsy, they headed into the throng of people dancing to what sounded to be muggle music.

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