Early Arrival

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*****Jaces POV*****
I came into the main pack house looking for Devon, its been roughly a week and a half since we've been fully mated and lets just say we've been going at it like rabbits ever since. I got to hand it the Goddess she gave me one hell of a mate, he's hung like a horse and his stamina as well as endurance is damn near impeccable. I walked into his office at the pack house figuring this was where he wanted to have his lunch, his head snapped up in my direction before looking down at the man sat before him. I'm pretty sure I've never seen him before since I've met all of the pack or I at least thought I had. "Oh sorry babe, I'll just set your lunch down and leave you to your meeting." I said as I placed the bag of food down and went to leave, but the charm I wore around my neck had other ideas. It started glowing and floating and tugging towards the guy sitting in front of Devon. It slipped free from my shirt and visibly started tugging towards the stranger I've never met. The man who originally looked at me with no emotion now showed one emotion that truly terrified me. One hundred percent pure and utter rage. "That bitch didn't give a puny mortal the key." He yelled, his body quivering with the uncondensed rage he was feeling and emanating from him. I cowered and began to walk backwards, he stormed towards me and pinned me against the wall growling at me. Devon was livid with rage as he slammed his fist into his desk with so much anger that it shattered. His eyes were the darkest black I had ever seen, there was no white in his eyes as his body began to shake and he let out a gutteral growl. "Get your filthy hands off my mate you inbred piece of shit! You are not worthy of touching something so beautiful!" He yelled as his body continued to shake as his voice boomed around the room. Jackson the newly named Beta of the pack stormed in and yanked the guy away from me before Devon lost his cool, I quickly made my way to his side and wrapped my arms around his waist in order to speed the process of calming him down. He took his left and wrapped it around my waist and painfully gripped my hip in a possessive manner he dipped my body back as his nose brushed gently against my neck as he inhaled my scent and whispered "MINE" over and over again in my ear until I confirmed it. "Yes I'm yours and yours alone now calm down." I whispered back to him. "Should I kill him?" Jackson asked. His eyes looking at Devon waiting for the command as the man below him struggled to get out of his grip. The man started laughing like a lunatic, "You cant kill me, besides even if you could you still need me and my family to save your worthless lives mutt!" The man roared. Devon nodded at Jackson to let him go and the man snatched a pocket knife and looked at Devon then to Jackson then to me. " Watch this you filthy mutts." He said, then he did something I'd never expect or even saw coming. He opened the blade and slit his own throat, his body fell to the floor as the life drained out of him and onto the floor. I ran to him as he collapsed and I screamed at Jackson to go get Tera, the man started laughing as he gurgled and spit up his own blood. "Foolish mortal." He said, suddenly a symbol appeared floating above the wound as he grinned up at me, the symbol was that of a dragon or a great lizards head circled by layer of words I couldn't read. I sat astonished as the blood started flowing in reverse as if it had a life of its own back into his body as the wound began to heal and slowly disappear. He stood up, proudly from his little magic act then started glaring back at me. "Now tell me, why the fuck that dumb bitch would give a pathetic, useless mortal like you my masters heart?" He asked, the fury still laying at the forefront of his emotions and eyes. Devon growled at him and the man put his hands up defensively, "I just want to know, no offense to your mate but his hands are the most dangerous for her heart to be holding it." He said. I glanced down, how is this thing a heart and why is it dangerous for me to hold onto it? I picked it up as his eyes watched my every motion, I glanced at it and about tore it off my neck. The charm wasn't a charm at all, it was pure frozen ice and in the center sat a shrunken heart. I looked at him, and knew I needed answers and I needed them right now. He held out his hand, and he looked me dead in my eyes, "Hand me Valefars heart and I'll answer all of your questions." He said. I immediately tugged it over my head and placed it in the palm of his hand gently, he visibly relaxed as he held it close to his body and sighed in relief. "Who are you? What are you doing here? Why would it be dangerous if I kept her heart? Why did the Goddess give me it? Why is it frozen and here and not in her body in the first place?" I asked as the questions shot from my mouth. He looked at the charm and placed it around his own neck now. "My name is Six, I'm here to prepare this pack for Valefars return, I cant let you keep her heart because if you start having nightmares it will corrupt and plague her heart with a poison that once she lands and recieves her heart she would panic and strike at everyone around her and near her because her heart would be poisoned by your negative energy as for why that bitch gave you her heart I do not know, as for why Valefar removed it well it would be tainted with moon energy as she is constantly traveling through the astral plains of gods and men making ot very easy for someone to corrupt it and bend her to their will so she removed it and gave it to the bitch for protection." He answered all of my questions effortlessly. Suddenly the charm started floating again and this time it tugged between aiming at the door then to the sky, the man I now know as Six emotion completely changed from being calm and relaxed to one of shock. A group burst through the door and Six looked at them with bursts of excitement and love. "Six, sorry to interrupt but I'm guessing V found out about you know who being alive and well, soooooo yeah shes extremely pissed and came home a little earlier than expected." The woman at the head of the group stated. "It's nice to see you too Four" he displayed their master's heart to them before continuing," Now let's go welcome our Master home." After they finished greeting each other as a loving family a loud whistling noise was heard before a loud impact rocked the earth and shook the pack house as they stormed out of Devon's office whooping and hollering cries of joy like little children, I swear I even saw them all crying tears of utter happiness. I looked at Devon and waves of his dread came rolling through the mates bond. "That beast... Valefar The Black is coming to my pack and I can't protect you from that monster...." He said, his voice wavering as he questioned his strength as he glared at his hand before I pushed myself on top of him and cuddled into his body until he calmed down, he looked at me lovingly as I smirked at him and began tugging him towards the door. "Better now?" I asked and he nodded yes in response, "Good now let's go meet this so called monster." I stated as I dragged him along only because he let me as he scoffed.

***** A/N*****
Ooooooohhhhhh Snapple Iced Tea!!! Shiz just got real up in here! Valefar has officially landed!!! The Six Demon Seals have been reunited at last and now we find out what kind of monster she really is! Oh and thank thank you thank you guys for 500+reads already! Dont forget to Heart Vote And now introducing the now appearing on every chapter here after the question of the day, This Chaps Question: Who is your favorite character so far and why are they your favorite? Person with the best response gets the next chapter dedicated to them! Till then bye guys! <3

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