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"Mira? She's going to be Queen?"

"Isn't her father like, a demon?"

"What are the Elders thinking?"

"No, what is the Queen thinking?"

Mira Dremaina was used to this. The gossip had been following her since the Elder's announced the Queens decision a week ago. Her mother, having been the right hand of the Queen since she was just a princess, was trusted to be her personal advisor, even after having married a Dark Angel, a 'Darkin'. The Light Angels,'Lux', at least the ignorant ones, often confused them with demons, but they weren't similar.

Demons were ruthless, bloodthirsty creatures. Even the Darkin hated them, the only similarity they held, was the dark color of their eyes. 

Darkin were angels that could directly influence the darkness, for good or bad. They never bothered the Lux, they had no reason to. They were clearly distinguished with their dark wings and eyes, so they were a target just for appearance alone.

Those of the light..Lux. Most of them were self centered, thinking they were better than everyone else. They used their light to hurt the Darkin, even if they didnt deserve it. It was 'fun' for them. That's why it caused an uproar in Ligero, No Lux in their right mind would go off and marry a Darkin. Let alone have a child with them. 

It took the Queen herself addressing the Kingdom, and once knowing the child had no heart of a demon, granting both of her parents her blessing to let them and the child live. 

"The child is not a demon, and nor is her father. It is not against our laws to have a Lux marry a Darkin. The child will be powerful, yes, the combined power of our two races is great on its own, but I, along with her mother and father will teach her how to use those powers. We are not in any danger from her, so please, accept the child among you. She is as much a Lux as her mother."

That's what she had said, but as she got older, it was obvious what people thought of her. They'd even told her.

"Hey, demon , try not to kill us all, or my mommy will obliterate you." 

That was said in response to her sneezing in her magic class, and setting her table on fire. The teacher was very understanding, she had been teaching for a while, and assured her that all Lux had that problem when they were just starting out.

As she got older, she was getting closer to the Queen. The Queen had been ruler for a millennium, it was time for her to pass on the throne. It was not required to go to her children, but she was to give the throne to whoever she deemed worthy. When Mira turned 13, she told her in private that she was considering making her the Princess.

"But...your Majesty, I'm part Darkin. Isn't that against the rules?"

The Queen laughed "Mira have you forgotten? I make the rules. Anyway, I decide who I think is worthy. You may be part Darkin, but you shine brightest." She held out her hand, and Mira took it. "Come with me Mira, I want to show you something." She spread her wings and lead Mira to the balcony. 

"Your Majesty? Where are we going?" 

She handed the girl her staff and smiled. "Just follow me." And she flew up and into the air. Mira stared wide eyed at the Queen's wings. They were such a pure white, decorated with specks of gold and silver feathers.

So pretty...

Mira felt sudden happiness swell up in her. The Queen accepts her, nobody else matters. So she clutched the staff in her hands tighter and let her own wings spread. 

White with specks of black....Just as pretty

As long as the Queen approved of her, no one else mattered. She'd be the Princess if she was as bright as she was told she was, then maybe everyone would see her differently. 

With new hope in her heart she joined her Queen in the sky, ready to prove her right


... i know i shouldn't be doing a new story with one oh a hiatus, and another having a slower update time but like- I reeeeeally wanted to- ;-;

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