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Oh boy...great.

A blonde-haired girl with jewels decorating her wings and face came quickly towards her through the long corridor to the Queen's room.

"Just what do you think you're doing inside my castle?" She spat

Mira sighed and pulled the envelope that The Queen had sent to her from her bag. 

Inana Star...the Queen's daughter. Their Queen was a very humble woman, and you wouldn't have known she was royalty by just looking at her. The only sign was the crown she wore and the constant presence of guards. Her daughter, on the other hand, couldn't have been more of a polar opposite.  She was always wearing gems and pearls on her wings, so many so that whenever she flew, some would fall off and onto the ground, to which she would scream and yell if someone picked them up, threatening to have them Dewinged and thrown in with the Demons for stealing from her. 

Inana took the envelope out of her hand and glanced at it before tearing it in half and throwing it back. "There, now you can- Where did you get that?" 

She pointed at the staff in her hands before snatching it away. "Did you steal  from my mother!?" She screamed, drawing the attention of several guards.

Mira started to panic; the people in the palace always did what Inana ordered them to do, to make her stop yelling at them.

"I didn't steal this from her; she gave it to me," Mira muttered, reaching to grab it back.

"You? Even if that were true, she wouldn't have given it to you and left you alone with it. This goes to the future royalty, which is going to be me! The only logical answer is that you stole this from her!" She turned and locked eyes with the nearest guard "GUARD! ARREST HER FOR STEALING FROM THE QUEEN!" 

The guard stared at her and shifted uncomfortably. "Well, ma'am, Her Majesty-"


Mira was backed into a corner. She didn't know what to do, take the staff and run, making her look even more guilty, or stay and probably get Dewinged for a misunderstanding. Theft from the royal family was an offense punishable by purgatory, and she didn't want that either.

"Inana, what are you fussing about?"

She stopped yelling and turned hurriedly to be met with the sight of her mother.

She quickly bowed her head and gripped the staff in her hands tightly. Mira did the same, her hair falling around her face.

"Both of you, stand up, please. And you all may go back to your duties."

The guards quickly went back to their posts, and Inana stared slack-jawed at the fact nobody protested. "But mother. This girl was caught stealing from you. She even had the nerve to claim you gave it to her like you'd give some Demon-"

"That's quite enough out of you, young lady."

Inana stopped talking quickly and frowned. The queen stepped forward and placed a hand on Mira's shoulder. 

"You will stop disrespecting her, Inana. She isn't a demon; she is part Lux and part Darkin. That is all." She took the staff from her hands and gave it back to Mira. "When you return home, please ask your father to come straight here, tell him it's urgent." She handed her a sealed envelope embroidered with gold. "Give him this."

Mira nodded quickly and gratefully and moved quickly around Inana to leave. 

She stood outside and timidly flexed her wings. She was comfortable around the Queen, But out here; she was nervous. She clutched the staff in her hands and sighed.

If she weren't holding a royal object, she would have walked the whole way home.

"Alright. We can do this."

A mini pep talk later, she was in the air once again and was flying quickly back home. 

With her mother being part of the Court, they lived in a very nice home. People often envied how  'Traitors' could live in such a house, but they had since learned how to ignore it. Mira dropped onto the sidewalk and quickly let herself in, unlocking the door with her magic rather than risk fishing for her key.

She stumbled inside, tripping over the rug, and almost fell to the ground, only to be caught by a familiar pair of hands.

"Care to slow down, sweetheart?" 

"Sorry, dad...I was trying to get inside quicker today." She held out the staff in her hands to show to her father.

"William, have you seen M- oh! There you are, I've been looking all over for you."

Her mother quickly walked in, pulled off her glasses, and dropped them onto the table before snatching up her daughter in a tight hug.

"Ow- Mother.." Mira squirmed uncomfortably against her moms' arms.

"Sorry, sweetie, but I haven't seen you in weeks. I miss my baby." She cooed, pinching Mira's cheeks. "Now where-" She had been doing the motherly thing, looking her up and down when her eyes landed on the scepter in her hands.

"Miramora....darling...where did you get that?" 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2022 ⏰

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