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         It's October 31,2019 Josephine Karev woke up at 5:00 o'clock with a wave of nausea. It has been like that for a week. Last night she went to the store to buy a pregnancy test. She was waiting the three minutes it took to get the answer. She looked out the bathroom door to check if her husband was still asleep. He was sleeping peacefully in bed. The three minutes were up and Jo went to go look at the test. It was POSITIVE, Jo was really excited. She heard her husband wake up so she threw the test under the sink. She walked back to bed to lay with him. He rolled over and kissed her lips and said "Good morning" Jo responded with "Morning". 1 hour later Jo was getting ready in the bathroom. She asked Alex to come help her with her dress. Jo tried to scare Alex but he was not scared at all. She was wearing her wedding dress. Jo asked Alex "Where her wedding shoes are". Alex said "Why are you wearing your wedding dress". Jo responded with "It's expensive. I am going to wear it every Halloween". Alex said "To work?" Jo said "No I have the day off so I am going to stay home, eat most of the candy and scare all the trick or treaters. Alex kissed Jo and said "Love you". Jo responds with "Love you". Later that day Jo showed up at Alex's work with fake blood covered all over her dress. Alex then got paged and Jo went along with him. Later that night... Jo was waiting for Alex in his office at Pac-North. Alex came in and said "Let's get out of here" Jo went up to him cupped his face in her hands and said "You are amazing". They talked for a minute about how Alex got his grant for the investors. Alex then said they should go celebrate. Jo responded with " Great I am perfectly dressed". Alex then looked at her and nodded, Jo said "What" Alex then said "What time does the courthouse close?" Jo then looked at him and smiled. 1 hour later... Jo "For better or worse, For richer or Pregnant" Alex looked at her and said "What" Jo said "I am pregnant" Alex responded with "Really" Jo nodded, Alex then said "We're having a baby" Jo said "We're having a baby".

(I will be post the rest soon)

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