Ultrasounds and GENDER

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           A week later Jo and Alex had the first ultrasound. When they were talking both of them got interrupted by the heartbeat of their baby. Jo and Alex both look at the screen to see their baby. Jo was about eight weeks. Jo and Alex both agreed not to tell people until 12 weeks. A week later Jo was sick each morning. Each morning around 5:00 to 6:00 Jo is throwing up. Alex would wake up with her to hold her back and rub her back in between throwing up and while. He would bring her water for after she threw up. When she is at work Alex wants to check up on her all the time but Jo is pretty much sick of it. Alex was trying to help Jo but with her hormones she was sick of it. Alex would cry at stupid thing and she would get mad and something stupid. Three weeks later... Jo and Alex decided it was time to tell people. Jo told Link and Alex told Mer. Jo pulled aside Link and told him she was pregnant he was excited that he is going to be an uncle. Mer was more excited than Alex and Jo because she is going to be an aunt. At 20 weeks... Jo and Alex had the 20 week ultrasound. At the ultrasound they would find out the gender. Jo wanted a girl and also thought it was a girl. Alex wanted a boy and thought it was a boy. If it is a girl Jo would get a hundred dollars from Alex and if it were a boy Jo would give Alex a hundred dollars. They got to the ultrasound, Jo and Alex were waiting for Carina. Two minutes later Carina came in and said "You ready" Jo nodded. She started the ultrasound and said "You're baby GIRL looks great". Jo was so excited. So was Alex but he really wanted a boy. Carina finished the ultrasound and asked if Jo wanted an amino. Jo and Alex both want to talk about it because the worst thing that could happen is that Jo could miscarry the baby. They got home that night lying in bed discussing if they wanted one. They landed on a yes because if something was wrong they would want to know.

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