[~: Birth of the Half Breed :~] ( NSFW)

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On a chilly fall night in Kobe, Japan, a cry of agony rang out into the night air. The cry was of a woman, screaming in unimaginable pain from the labors of childbirth. The sound was issuing from a local hospital. The date, October 31st. Most in the Western part of the world knew this date as All Hallows Eve or Halloween. The birth of this child on this particular night was fitting, considering the unusual circumstances that surrounded his conception.

Along with the excruciating pain of her labor, this woman also had a heavy heart. She wanted this child but knew it could not live. The doctors called it an abomination, the elders called it the devil's child. No, her husband was not a evil man, in fact he was well loved by the community. She had done something so blasphemous in the eyes of her culture that she would probably be killed if anyone with any power found out. She had committed adultery, but not with just any man, she had consorted with a vampire. She had not meant to do it, but she could not help herself and rightfully so.

This all started when her and her husband had a falling out. She was sexually frustrated. They had become nothing more than a married couple going through the motions of everyday life and love making. There was no spark, no passion anymore. Her husband was not one for confrontation and tended to turn to alcohol whenever confronted with a problem. Naturally, he left the house and went to the local bar to drown his problems in sake. She, however, took a shower and decided if he wasn't going to be a man and please her, she had some toys that would. She got out of the shower and took to trying to pleasure herself. The key word is trying, for some reason she could not come to a climax, no matter what she did. Now, more frustrated then ever, she put away her toys and got into bed. She drifted off to sleep, and that's where it took an interesting turn.

Within about thirty minutes of falling asleep, she began to dream. This dream was unlike any she had ever had. She was in the park, where her and her husband had their first date. She was sitting on the very same bench, but beside her was a different man. He was tall, well built and in her minds eye, the perfect man for her. They started talking, she could not make out what neither him or herself was saying. One thing led to another and they were back at her house. He told her his name was Kiyoshi. Somehow he was recreating the very thing that made her fall in love with her husband. Pretty soon, they were in bed. He took her face into his rough, calloused hands and kissed her with just a passion that she felt it on her own real lips. She could tell this was not her husband, but she didn't care.

She wanted so bad for this dream to be real. She murmured this in her sleep and he whispered in her ear and said, "Who says it's not real?". She let herself be drawn into his trap. All of a sudden he turned very aggressive. He forced her down onto the bed and ripped off her clothes with ease. Even though she was falling for this man, she did not want it to happen like this. He was raping her. He forced himself into her and she cried out in pain. It was like she was a virgin again. He made her feel like he was tearing her in two. He continued force himself into her despite her fighting. After about two hours of this, he finally came to his climax. She fell back, limp and her whole body aching and drifted off to sleep within her dream. As soon as her eyelids closed, he vanished. His deed was done.

She awoke the next morning feeling as if the dream really happened. Her body was sore, her legs were so weak she could hardly stand and it hurt between her legs, bad. She managed to get up and examine herself in the bathroom mirror. She gasped as she came to a sudden realization. The dream was real. She had bruises all over her body. The dream had to be real. She looked down at her chest and then her eyes came to rest on her abdomen. It was extended. Her mind began to come to the conclusion that she had been attacked by what her mother and grandmother called a vampire. She remembered the stories that some vampires come in the night and use "compulsion" on women and force them to do her bidding. When they awake it all seems like a dream.

Her husband could not find out. The only problem was that since this was not a human growing inside of her, it grew triple the normal rate. Her husband came home with a hangover so she used that to come up with a story. He went straight to sleep as soon as he sat down on the couch. Four hours later when he woke up, she told him what happened. He was livid and threatened to go to the authorities if she did not kill the child as soon as it was born. Reluctantly, she agreed. The next three months were the worst of her life. The child within was a vampire, so as the months went by, she became fascinated by blood and began to draw blood during sex. Her husband was repulsed by the bloodlust and refused to have sex with her so she just had to suck it up and endure it.

One night in the third month, she was feeling particularly horny. There was something different about this feeling though. She got the same feeling between her legs as she did when the monster Kiyoshi attacked her. This time it was intensified. Her eyes widened as she felt wetness between her legs. Her water had broken. She called her husband and she rushed her to the hospital.

Now we come back to the beginning. After about 16 hours of hard, nearly unbearable labor, she was finally making an effort to deliver this baby. As she pushed with all of her strength, her husband turned away as a sign of rejection and just stared out of the window. She felt the baby's head as she made one last push. Even as the baby was born, his mother was fading rapidly. The baby cried as it opened his eyes for the first time. This woman, had brought a special being into the world, half vampire and half human, a damphir. She was not even conscience long enough to witness it.

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