[~: The Beginning of his World; The Ending of Theirs :~]

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The baby's strangled cry echoed throughout the delivery room as the nurse cleaned out his nose and mouth and announced to its father that it was a boy. The nurse had no idea that the woman's husband was not the father of the child. The man just stared at the child for a moment before storming out of the room. The child was pale and had hair dark as night. His eyes are what angered the man. He knew as soon as he looked in the child's eyes what had happened. The child's eyes were a dark crimson. No human had eyes like that.

Once outside the room, the man balled up his hand into a fist and punched the concrete wall. Pain reverberated through his body but he didn't care. How could his wife do something like this to him? Did she not love him? She knew this was a scandal that would destroy him as a pillar of the community and make his family lose all respect for him. He had no choice but to kill himself. He couldn't face the humiliation, dishonor and pain from this. He had nothing to live for. He saw his wife, she was going to die anyway. Even if she lived, he would never be able to bring himself to be seen with her again, let alone love her again. He had to do it, there was no other way to go about it (In his mind). 

Silently, he slipped into one of the empty patient rooms and removed his jacket and then his hat. Opening the massive window that was about ten stories up, he stepped onto the window sill and prayed to his god to forgive him for what he was about to do. For a moment, he paused and looked down at the street below and the tiny dots of the people. The pause was interrupted by screaming nurses and doctors trying to get him to step down and back inside the hospital. He looked back and spoke only one sentence. "That child is an abomination". With those last words, he took one step forward and off the ledge. Weightless, flying, calm. Time seemed to slow down as he plummeted to the ground below. The disappointed faces and the hurt and pain of humiliation faded for the twelve seconds it took for him to crash to the ground below. Dark, nothing, dead.

= Meanwhile =

At the same time, the child's mother was in a fight for her life. Her husband had given up, she was determined to fight to live for her child. Her mind was ready to fight even if her body was ready to surrender. The fact was, she was hemorrhaging. The baby was half vampire and half human so it ate everything she ate but was also being sustained by absorbing her blood supply. She wasn't able to figure out an alternative way to obtain blood during her pregnancy. Each passing second, the child was slowly consuming her from the inside. The doctors could not figure out how to get her blood fast enough. During the delivery, the child was still consuming blood. The blood loss from the delivery tipped the scale. Eventually they were able to get a blood transfusion but by the time they were able to start pumping the blood, her body just couldn't hold up anymore. Her heart gave out, a fighter till the end.

The child was in the hospital nursery. One of the doctors informed the nurse to contact the local orphanages as both of the child's parents had died. There was nowhere for the child to go. As the emergency responders picked up the woman's husband from the side walk of the street below, the doctors inside called time of death for the child's mother. As the doctors draped the white sheet over his mother's lifeless body, a nurse sat down with the baby boy and began to feed him a bottle. As the nurse fed the child she couldn't help but think there was something special about the child. He would grow to do great things and protect others. The child had to have a name, so because he had no parents, the nurse named him Nasir, meaning protector. He began his life as his parents lives were ending, later in life, he would realize the irony in his birth.

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