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It wasn't that complicated. Javi and I. He points. "Xerox machine."

"What about it? I add. "I have papers on there." I roll my eyes. "Please would be nice." I walk over to grab them anyway. Javi and I have been working in Colombia for the DEA for the past two years. We have been friends ever since the first day we landed in Colombia. Javi, also known as Javier Pascal is from Texas, right next to the Rio grande. Not too far from where I grew up in Texas. You become lonely down here, and we both have similar backgrounds, so becoming friends was a no brainer. After a long day, Javi and I grabbed a bottle and a take out menu and headed back to his apartment. As we arrive at his apartment, he places the bottle of wine in the fridge.

"So, what do you want from Toro Restaurante?" Toro is the best place to get American food in Colombia. "Umm, just a burger and fries." I tell Javi, who will judge me on my order choice.  "Wow, how American." He says with a laugh. "Really, you know, sometimes I question our friendship," I say jokingly. He places the order. Not an hour later, it arrives.
Being a DEA agent means long hours and even longer days. Every Saturday, when we can, Javi and I like to grab take-out and rent a VCR tape; today it was Star Wars. He grabs our food and places it on the table.

"Dulce Corazon (sweetheart)" I roll my eyes. I hate it when he calls me that, and in Spanish, it is even worse. "Coors or wine?" I ask, while completely ignoring what he just had said. "Coors." I pour myself a glass a wine ad grab him a Coors. Placing your glass on the table, you walk over and put in the movie. You sit back down, wine in hand and while eating fries. The opening credits scroll.

"Oh my god, I am so ready," I say with excitement. "Frankly, I think Star Wars is overrated," Javi said, I place my glass on the table. "Get out." Star Wars is my favourite movie of all time; I saw the first one in the theatre when I was a teenager. "Later loser," I say as I get up from the couch. "Queen Leia is on the screen." He says, knowing it will annoy me. "It's Princess Leia, estúpido."
The movie plays on and we finish most of our food.
"Kill them!" He yells to the tv. "Shh, you're so loud."
He like to analyse everything.
"Zig-Zagging is the best way not to get shot." I turn to him. "Well, good thing this is a fictional movie Javi." He rolls his eyes. "Yeah, yeah, whatever."

"You want another one?" I ask as I am grabbing myself another glass of wine. The movie is almost done, but I don't want this night to end. With everything going on at work, this is nice. "Yea." He replies.

"For someone who "hates" Star Wars, you sure seem to like it," I say as I am grabbing another Coors.

"Have you seen Leia?" I roll my eyes as I hand him his beer. "You have a point." I sit back down and grab the remaining fries. He tries to grab one. "Excuse you, sir, these are my fries." I slap away his hand. "And remember you judged me for getting a burger and fries in the first place."

"And who paid for this?" He had a fair point, and I lean back into the couch. The night goes on, and the drinks go down. With work being non-stop for 2 weeks this is the first Saturday in a while Javi and I can just relax. "Did we only rent one movie?" He asks.

"Yea, that was stupid of us." The night is still young. "Umm, I have Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Arc?" Seems like a Harison Ford kind of night.

"Do you have a thing for Harrison Ford or something?" He says, laughing. My face begins to turn red. "Oh my god, you do."

"Shut up and drink your nasty beer." He tips the can to me. "Don't diss the Coors." I roll my eyes and put in the next movie.

"See, this is action." I turn to face him, and I sip on my wine. "Once again, Javi, it is fake."

"Okay, well this could actually happen, ya know." I roll my eyes—the movies continue. "I mean yea, but also like no." I saw while sipping some wine.
He gets up to grab another Coors. "My favourite line!" I smile. "This belongs in a museum." I say trying to mimic his voice.
"Nice one." JAVI says laughing. The night goes on. Hours later we both fall asleep on his couch with the TV still on.

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