Chapter 1

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I Love Monday's 😝 because it means school is about to begin and I can finally see my best friend Ashley who I've been best friends with since the 7th grade we have been threw everything together like her dad passing away last year to lung cancer to my parents divorcing we are like peanut better and jelly we are inseparable you cant split us apart. I live with my dad because my mom travels and my dad is a lawyer so they thought that it would be best to live with my dad because they didn't want me to miss school I was thrilled to hear that I can live with him because I would be very sad to leave Ashley behind I mean I grew up in Nevada and I don't want to leave. It's 6:30 am and school starts at 7:15 so I have to hurry if I want to walk to school today. I jump in the shower get clean and get dressed and eat breakfast and get my phone and begin to walk but I was stopped by my dad yelling to come back because he needs to tell me something I looked at my watch and it reads 6:44 I still to have enough time I mean the school is only 10 mins away. I walk to his office and he is still in his pjs I ask him " why are you still in you pjs it almost 7 and you need to be at work by 7:30" he said " I need you to stay home today dont ask why just stay home " I was going to argue with him but he looked really serious and I don't like to question my dad so I just agreed to save an argument from happening. I called Ashley and she said " Beth is looking for you again she says that your going down for what happened Friday " I knew what she meant Bethany Anderson was the queen bee at Rydell high school,She scares me a lot.
On Friday I was in 6th period chemistry with Ashley doing a lab with chemicals that can make you smell good or bad we can choose so me and Ash choose bad we stared the lab and then ash accidentally put the wrong liquid inside so that meant two things one that we should tell everyone to run and hide so we don't smell bad or two we just don't say anything and run and hide our selves we picked two and then BOOM!!!! 😱 the goo was covered on Beth who was behind us we laughed our asses off 😂 until she turned around and screamed like someone was going to kill her we got sent to detention will Beth had to go home because people told her that she smelled like straight up shit and other things that I would like to forget.
I laughed remember what happened " well she can't hurt me she doesn't know where I live" I said with confidence she giggled and said " where are you I can't find you" she said I laughed because I forgot to tell her that I wasn't going to school today "I'm at home" she gasped "are you ok? are you sick?" I grinned "no I'm fine but do you have to go to school today " I heard a small laugh "no do you want me to come over " I got excited because we never have a girl day since school started I've been to busy studying my butt off to get a good grade on every test I get to pass 11th grade "yes please and we can go shopping" I've dying to go shopping for weeks but never have the time so here is my chance finally a day for the girls. ❤️💗😃😀

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