Chapter 23: 5 months later

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It's been 5 months..yes 5 whole months. I'm going to catch you up on things. Vinnie is finally 19, Avery is almost 6 months. She's such a daddy's girl. Anyways, me and vinnie are actually doing great!

I have 2 million followers now on tik tok which is pretty cool. I'm verified hehe. It's currently 9 am, I'm
Gonna get my day started.

Vinnie was asleep while Avery was in her crib in her room. I get up and head to the bathroom, I start to wash my face and then brush my teeth. As I was brushing them I feel a pair of hands wrap around my waist. It was vinnie. "Good morning" he says in his raspy morning voice.

I finish brushing my teeth. "Good morning vincent" I say as I walk out the bathroom. "Reggie is coming over today..and can I invite the boys?" He asks following behind me. "Vinnie do whatever you want..this is your house" I say making the bed.

"Right~" that's when we both hear Avery crying. I roll my eyes. I walk out of the room heading to Averys room. "Good morning my love" I say picking her up from her crib. She's starting to look more like vinnie everyday. Her crying starts to die down.

"You hungry my love?" I say putting her pacifier into her mouth. She starts to touch my Arm. I walk downstairs and put her into her high chair. I put my phone in front of her to watch something while I set up her breakfast.

While I was setting her breakfast I get a FaceTime call from Anthony. I grab the phone from Avery and turn the tv on for her before she starts crying. I then put the phone in front of me and pick up the call.

"Hey!!" He says, it looks like he was laying in bed. "Hey ant, what's up? You calling me at 10 am..that's suspicious" I joke. He laughs. "Well I just wanted to see what you where doing" he says. I nod while cutting up some apples. "Well, vinnie Invited me,Kobe,Reggie,kio, and Jordan over" he says. "Kobe?" Wait did I miss a chapter? When did they become friends..?

"Yeah, you didn't know? Kobe and Vinnie are friends now" he says. I slowly nod in confusion. "Well I guess I'm gonna invite the girls over today th~" I then get interrupted by Vincent yelling. "GOOD MORNING EVERYONEEE!!" He yelled so loud, the baby got startled and started crying. "VINNIE! You made the baby cry! Dumbass!" I yelled at him. I see him rush to the baby saying he's sorry.

I hear Anthony laugh as I playfully roll my eyes. "I'll call you back ant" I say putting milk into averys bottle. "Gotchu, cya laterrrr" he says. I wave at the camera and then he hangs up. I make my way to averys high chair, which she is not in. I place her food down. "Vinnie?" It was quiet. I didn't hear vinnie nor Avery.

I started to look around the living room to see if he was hiding with her when I hear a scream behind me and I got so scared I almost fell. It was Avery and Vinnie. I roll my eyes and head back into the kitchen. I sit on the chair in the table, on my phone drinking some water. I see vinnie putting Avery in her high chair, feeding her, her breakfast.

LATER, 5:05 PM:

I invited the girls over, and vinnie invited the boys over including Reggie. Reggie is my husband. Wink wink. Anyways, We are wearing this:



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Teen Parents // Vinnie Hacker Where stories live. Discover now