Chapter 1.

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Murdoc's POV~
I'v hidden all of my life. I spent my first 17 years hiding from my father and the last 6 hiding from the truth about my classification. I'v managed it this far, and I'm not going to give it all up for some sad yank.
~~~~~~~~~ Time Skip to present~~~~~~~~~
"Ughhhh turn that fucking alarm off" I groaned, pulling the blanket further up me. I'd passed out on the sofa again then. "If you don't like it then maybe you should consider actually bothering to make it to bed every now and then" Russel replied, doing what I assumed to be rolling his eyes. "You know it's not good for you to be consuming that amount of alcohol and not eating anything right? Do you want to die?!" I had to pick what I replied with very carefully. Last time we had this conversation, it ended awfully.

Luckily I didn't have to reply at all. "Here, eat up before I feed you it myself." Russel warned, half slamming a plate of eggs onto the table. " 'm not hungry. Thanks though." I said, pushing the plate away and standing up to walk out the room. Suddenly, a large hand gripped onto my shoulder and guided me back down onto the sofa. "No, your going to do as your told and eat your breakfast. Now this is your last warning you can eat your eggs yourself or I will feed you." He said going back to washing last nights dishes.

"I'm not a little you know. I don't need your stupid mother henning!" I whined, dangerously close to slipping. Truth be told, Russel could melt me easily. "No, of course you don't" Russel absent- mindedly
Replied. Stupid prick wasn't even listening to me anymore. I mean, I was pretty hungry since the last thing I ate was a couple grams of Ket and I couldn't risk him feeding me for fear of slipping. About 5 minutes passed and I was finished. "See? Was that really so hard?" The prick said, in a one of the worst patronising tones. "No actually, it was burnt" I huffed back, crossing my arms together on my chest. "Oh that's a shame, why don't go and have a bath to calm you down?" Russel suggested, ignoring my remark. "I'm not a baby! Stop trying to treat me like one!" I whined, stomping my foot slightly. Oh no. This was bad. Very very bad. I could NOT slip in front of him. My life would be over if I did.
"Your a Niccals, and Niccals men do not act like pathetic babies, therefore I will not let you" snarled dad, raising his arm so as to get a good hit on me. The world went black has the first few smacks of the belt rained down hard onto me. Everything spun as a hard kick was administered to my stomach. The beating had officially begun. I screamed out in pain as 3 steaming cigarette burns ate up my flesh. "I NEVER DID ANYTHING" I screamed, hoping the pain would end soon.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~end of flashback~~~~~~~~~~~

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