Chapter 2.

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Murdoc's POV~
I was falling, into a deep dark pit and I couldn't make out the bottom. I couldn't think, couldn't breath, couldn't move; and I was never getting out. Whatever I'd taken, I'd taken far too much far to quickly. I wasn't falling anymore. I'd hit water and was being dragged under. Under with every other problem in my life.

I woke up covered in sweat and the duvet on the floor. Turns out I wasn't high. Shifting round to get out of bed, I felt large wet patch form beneath me. Oh fucking shit. I hadn't wet the bed since I was about 15. Why was this suddenly happening to me? I mean I know it's not particularly good for your health not to spend any time in headspace but pissing yourself? Surely that wasn't right.

It was 6:40. Double fucking shit. You see, Russel was the type of freak to wake up ridiculously early because it's "good for you". I'd never be able to make it anywhere near the washing without him noticing if he was awake. I couldn't even ignored and go back to sleep, the smell was horrible and the puddle took up the vast majority of the bed. What the fuck was I meant to do? I couldn't leave it since it'd stain the mattress and ruin it but I also couldn't go and wash it until to late anyway for fear of Russel seeing.

Panic was setting in hard. Memories of my childhood replayed over and and over again in my mind whilst tears spilled from my eyes. Small whimpers quickly turned into loud sobs and I could feel myself slipping once again. "Murdoc man? You alright, I can hear you crying?" Russel questioned, knocking carefully on my door. "'M fine just a scary dream is all."

Russel's POV~
I wasn't really one to go into a room without permission, but Murdoc sounded like he could use some comfort. And besides, he walks around half naked most of the time it's not like it's really an issue between us.

As soon as I walked in, I could tell something was wrong. He was sat on the edge of his bed tears running down his face and his nose all snotty and red. The smell of urine filled the entire room, and his duvet was in a very wet looking heap. Had he wet the bed? Poor kid.

"Murdoc have you wet the bed?" I asked, kneeling down to his level since he insisted on having his bed on the floor. Murdoc burst out into tears and began shaking, his face covered in a deep blush. "Oh sweetheart it's ok you aren't in any trouble I promise. We'll get it cleaned up and you can go have a nice warm bath, how about that?" I reassured, putting on my caregiver voice. The poor lamb seemed so shaken up by even the smallest of things. Though, he did seem a hell of a lot calmer then he did 3 minutes ago.

"I uh...that sounds....I'm fine. Really. Thank you for trying to help me though" Murdoc argued standing up and stripping his bed. "Hun-" I began but was quickly cut off. "I'm not little Russel. I had a dream about me dad is all, I don't need your care" he spat picking his washing up and walking to the washer.
I sighed and took that as my que to get out of the way before harsh words got thrown around.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2021 ⏰

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