01. Good Morning

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November 25: Almost nineteen.

Beep ... beep ... be-

Damn alarm. Five-thirty is just too early. It's inhumane.

    I rub my eyes and roll out of my bed, practically taking my sheets with me. I lazily make my way to my bathroom and stand in front of the mirror. Sighing heavily I pick my toothbrush up. My eyes get heavier and heavier the longer I brush my teeth. By the time I finish, my eyes are sore from trying so hard to keep them open. I slowly walk over to my towel and whip my mouth. Need. Sleep. To save myself from collapsing into the floor, I quickly turn the water back on and splash some on my face "AGH! COLD! COLD! COLD!" I take a shaky breath and wait for the water to heat up so I can wash my face ... and eat.
    I stare at my reflection. Face washed. Teeth brushed. Hair tamed. Now, clothes. Exiting my bathroom, I slowly walk back into my room. I stand still for a moment and glance back over to my bed, contemplating catching a few more z's before I'm actually late. The thought passes as I let out a sigh and sulk over to my closet. I do a once-over of my clothes ... I have nothing to wear. Majority of my clothes are currently dirty and everything else is virtually the same thing, just in different colors. "This shit needs a revamp." I mutter to myself as I pull on the same old tattered pair of jeans and yank my dark-grey-sweater-number-five from its hanger and slip it on. I grab my black low top Vans off of the shelf, open up my top drawer, and pick a random pair of socks. Shoving the bunched up socks into my shoes, I lift myself onto my tippitoes and knock my over-worn black cap off of the shelf and catch it, securing it atop my head. I shut my closet door and scan my reflection on the back of the door. My dark circles match my attire. How lovely, Sam. Rolling my eyes at my lack of sleep, I turn on my heels and grab my phone, earbuds and watch from my bedside table. I slap my watch on and shove both my phone and my earbuds into my pockets.
    As I walk down the stairs, I realize that I forgot my bad. "Shit." I mutter to myself. I turn around and stare up at the carpeted mountain that I'm faced with. Taking a deep breath, I drag my tired bones back to the top. I then proceed to hald-crawl, half-walk down the halls, my bedroom seemingly getting farther and farther away. After what feels like an eternity, I finally turn the corner and enter my bedroom once more. I snatch my bag from the floor and bolt back down the stairs, zooming into the kitchen.
    I grab a random bowl out of the cabinet and my favorite cereal: Peanut Butter Captain crunch. I open the fridge. A bright, angelic light spills out as I extend my arm and wrap my fingers around the carton of milk. I slowly close the fridge, watching the beams of light seep back into the gigantic food palace.
    As I pour my cereal into the bowl first and then my milk, I wrinkle my nose, thinking of my brother. People who pour the milk and then the cereal are monsters. My brother: One of those monsters. I nod to myself in agreement as I spin around, retrieve a spoon from the drawer behind me and plunge it into the glorious peanut butter flavored goodness. My taste buds melt as I devour the first spoonful. I continue to savor every bite of my heavenly meal. Once I finish the actual cereal, I pick the bowl up and pour the milk down my throat. I swallow and exhale deeply. "Breakfast of champions." I mutter to myself triumphantly.
    I place my bowl and spoon in the dishwasher and check my watch for the time as I kick the dishwasher shut. 6:25. Coffee. Now. I practically bound over to the coffee machine, grabbing my mug out of the cabinet above. It's a tall, all white to-go mug and, plastered right in the middle, is a skateboarding dinosaur with a pair of sunglasses on. I smile smally at the little guy as I set him down and raise myself, once again, onto my tippitoes and snag my coffee making tools. I gather my water, splash it in and then place the coffee-powder-cup-thingy in it's little hole, dump in a few scoops of freshly ground beans (but not before sniffing them intensely), close the lid and press the majestic 'start' button. I lift myself up onto the island and watch my legs swing back and forth below me as I listen to the sounds of the coffee being brewed. Moments later, the glorious 'beep' meets my ears and I launch myself from the counter and wrap my fingers around the coffee pot and pour the steaming liquid into my dinosaur mug as I breathe in the magical auroma. I bring the mug to my lips and take a nice, long sip. This would burn your neighbor down the street. Sure. But not me. I am immune to the scorching heat of a steaming cup of joe. You wish you were me.
    After two more sips, I turn out of the kitchen and waltz over to the front foyer. I peek into the room to the left and see the four year old german shepherd chewing on one of his many bones. He was a middle school graduation present to me from my mom. That was a year after my parents got divorced; maybe it was my mom trying to butter me up after the fact. Whatever. I'm not complaining. He's ridiculously fluffy and a great snuggle, that's all a girl could ask for.
    "Ollyyyy." I sing out, smiling at him. As soon as he hears my voice, he bounces up onto all four and romps towards me. He rams his head into my legs, greeting me, and paces in front of me, tail wagging like crazy. I giggle.
    "Hey buddy." I crouch down to his level and do my best to scratch his neck underneath his thick coat. He overwhelms me with wet kisses. I laugh, doing my best to shove him off of me. As I stand, I whip my face dry and look back down at him, meeting his eyes. He instantly stands stiff.
    "Attention!" I say. Olly sticks his chest out and stands all majestic-like. I chuckle as I continue. "Ready?" He licks his lips, creating a loud smack, in response.
    "Roll!" Oliver's body hits the floor and he rolls once to the right, once to the left. "Up!" He jumps to his feet, returning to position. "At ease." He loosens his stance, wags his tail so hard that his whole body sways, and looks up at me, his head tilted to the side. "Yes, you did very well, soldier." Oliver barks one time, thanking me. My smile grows.
    "Alright boy, gimme a hug. I gotta get goin'." I bend my knees, meeting Oliver half way. He launches his front paws into the air and stands up on his back two legs, falling into me. He rests his chin on my shoulder as I wrap my arms around his thick body, brushing his soft fur.
    "Later sweet boy." I whisper, patting his back twice, letting him know to let go. He drops his front paws back down to the floor, creating a soft thump. Oliver sits in the middle of the foyer while I retrieve my coffee mug. I give him one last pat on the head, then make my way to the front door. As I do so, he barks at me. I turn. "What is it, bud?" I ask as he turns his head towards the table, pointing with his nose. My keys. Duh. Letting out a small chuckle, I grab my keys, tell Oliver how smart he is, and walk out the door. I hop down the brick steps and take a moment at the bottom, inhaling deeply, taking in the smell of the crisp, autumn air as I watch the trees dance to the rhythm of the wind and the singing of the birds. I lightly shut my eyes, letting the cold breeze tickle my nose. A small smile creeps onto my lips. This -- this right here -- is my happy place: A fresh, warm cup of coffee, the cool breeze, the colors, the sounds, this house. That's all I need.

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