04: Hide and Seek

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Sam's shrieks and giggles echo throughout the entire house as I chase her out of my bedroom and down the wide hallway. She flies around the corner and stumbles down the stairs, her dark, silky hair flowing behind her. I for sure could've caught her by now, but where's the fun in that?

She skids into the kitchen and slams against the fridge, her back to me and the island that divides us. I bend my knees and extend my arms, ready to pounce as she whips her head around, her features radiating. My grin melts away and my heavy breathing slows. I straighten out, dropping my arms down by my sides as I look at her ... everything. Her perfectly subtle waves have exploded back to their natural curly mane. Her puffy lips are stretched into an ear-to-ear smile, causing her bright eyes to squint, the skin creasing around them. She's a whole different breed of beautiful.

"Well," Her sweet voice breaks through my thoughts. "Bring it on, Bradshaw." She breathes out, her eyes piercing mine. I can't help but laugh. She furrows her brows in confusion. "What?" She huffs, hands on her hips now.

"Nothing, nothing." I sigh, making my way around the thick, marble island. She watches me carefully, hunched over. I shake my head, a small smile on my lips. When I reach her, she raises her arms in defense. I eye her and place my hand on her shoulder, softly scooching her to the side. My hand lingers there for a moment as my other wraps around the cool, metal handle of the fridge.

She smacks my hand away and scurries towards me, parking her tiny self inches in front of me, anticipating the opening of the fridge. I inhale sharply as I look down at the top of her head. Damnit, Sam.

I grip the fridge a little tighter. "Watch out." I say flatly as I use my free hand to pull her against me while simultaneously yanking the fridge open. The cool air blasts against us both. Sam slowly and softly presses the back of her head into my chest, as if not wanting me to notice her movement. I noticed you doofus. I can feel her steady breathing against me. We stand in complete silence, staring into the abyss of the fridge, for several minutes.

"So ... what are we havin'?" She asks sweetly.

Suddenly, a loud crash rips through the air, like an angry, violent clap of thunder echoing through the sky, muting my response. Sam jumps. I instinctively wrap my arms around her upper chest, holding tightly.

"What was that?" She asks, craning her neck to the side to look up at me. I cock my head, staring out into the empty hallway. It's dead quiet once more.

"Dunno." I mutter, maneuvering Sam behind me as I stalk towards the middle of the kitchen, parking myself in front of the archway leading to the basement door across the hall. Leaning forward slightly, I tilt my head down and turn my left ear to the hallway, straining to hear something other than my own heartbeat pounding against my eardrums. My gaze rises to Sam, who is now propped against the fridge, watching me with an intense stare. Another piercing sound flies through the air around us. The hair on the back of my neck sticks up. I watch as the color slowly drains from Sam's face.

"That was not ..." Sam's voice is as small as a crumb. Her hands shaking against her chest.

"Human. No." Keeping my voice steady, I finish for her. "No it wasn't." I breathe out.

I pull my eyes from her and take a step forward, standing in the middle of the hallway. I look to my left at the front door. Still locked. I take quick, broad steps towards the door, wrapping my sweaty palms around my (technically step) dad's old metal bat. I swing the bat once, getting a good feel for it. Breathe, dude.

"Chace?" Sam's soft voice whispers from the kitchen. I hurry down the hall and turn the corner, slamming into her. She sucks in a breath of pain and mutters something inaudible to me. "Sorry, sorry. I thought you were - whatever. Just ... stay here, okay?" The words quickly tumble out of my mouth. She takes a step back and my hand suddenly falls to my side, which had apparently been rubbing her forehead. My brows furrow as I stare down at her.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2021 ⏰

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