2: Captured

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2 days....

It had been 2 days since you had been taken...

You sat in your cell, knees up to your chest in a fetal position. You wiped your eyes with your palm, sniffling as tears fell from your eyes. But, that was all you could do. You couldn't leave. You couldn't see your family. All you could do was feel weak and helpless.

As the Rock Trolls collected more prisoners from the Techno Kingdom, Barb went around the prison you and other tribes were being held in. She stopped in front of yours and looked you up and down. You glared at her with tear-filled eyes.

"Oh, don't look so down, Princess! You should be excited! By this time tomorrow night, you and I, along with everyone else, will be one tribe!" You gave her a confused look, "I'm a Queen! But, us all being one isn't the path to go! Our differences make us special, unique, it's what makes us who we are!"

"And here we go with the sappy 'everyone is special' stuff." Barb sighed. You slowly stood up as she entered your cell, "Just get it through your head. We're all the same. And if we're all the same, we should all be together as one." She said.

Your eyebrows furrowed, "You're just a power hungry tyrant! You alhimar!" You shouted. You followed behind her as she went to leave your cell. As she turned to close the door, Barb shoved you away and you fell to the ground. 

"I'm trying to bring us all together. Why can't you see that?" She snarled at you in anger. You scoffed, "Bringing everyone together and enslaving them are two different things." You told her. You grabbed onto the bars of your cell leaning forward and glaring at her.

Barb stared at you for a few seconds before chuckling lightly and holding her arms behind her back, "You'll understand. After I unite us all, you'll see this was for our own good." She booped your nose and you jumped in surprise, giving her a look of angered disbelief.

She turned to leave and waved with her back to you. "What you're doing isn't gonna help us come together! Someone will stop you!" You yelled. You watched her leave and slumped against the wall, leaning your head against it exasperatedly, "I hope..."

~Meanwhile, with Barb~

The Rock Queen smiled as she arrived in her Angler Bus, "Yeah, I got the Techno String!" She cheered, waving the light blue artifact around for all the others to see. They cheered along with her and she laughed, "Who knew world domination could be so much fun?" 

Barb went around to different Rock Trolls hyping them up and having fun She held up the sign of the horns with her hand, shaking it around with her friend and right-hand man, Riff. She walked forward, a wide grin on her face as she saw her guitar case holding the instrument she was using to use to take over the Troll-Nation. 

She gently attached the new string to her guitar that already held the Rock String. The blue string played it's  final electronic note as it began to change to a blood red. Barb turned to her bus full of Trolls, "Only 4 more strings to go, until Rock unties the world." She said, holding a devious expression.

She suddenly realized something and whipped her around, searching frantically for something. Or someone, "Dad? Where's Dad!?" She said fearfully. Then, the door to the bathroom opened and smoke was released and everyone turned to look. 

The previous King of Rock, Thrash, had exited the bathroom and Barb, sighing with relief, rushed over, "There you are, Dad! I got the Techno String!" She said excitedly, wishing for his approval. He nodded slowly, moving his wheelchair forward with the controls, "Cool. W-What's a string again?" The elderly Troll asked softly, having slight memory loss and repeating some words.

"Don't you remember the plan?" Barb asked her Dad, being patient with him. He mumbled incoherent words in response and she nodded, "Great idea, man! Okay, guys, line up, we're gonna go over the plan again!" Barb ordered.

~Back To You~

"I have to find a way out. I've gotta find a way to save everyone. If no one is coming for us all, I have to do something." You told yourself. "Hey! Hey, you!" A voice whisper-shouted, trying to grab your attention. You looked outside of your cell bars and turned your head, making eye contact with a Classical Troll.

"Who are you?" You asked quietly, trying not to alert the Rock Trolls who were guarding your cells. "My name is Minuet. Minuet Sonata." She said. You nodded, "Hello, Minuet. I'm Y/N Ahmed." "Pleased to meet you. Or well, not really 'meet', as we are being confined in a prison against our own will."

You sighed, "Yeah." The small, flying Troll looked around cautiously, then spoke, "Are you planning on finding a way out?" She asked. You nodded quickly, "I have to think of one, though. I can't just run out of here without thinking of a plan first." You explained.

Minuet agreed, flapping her small wings, "Well, I have an idea...." she said, smirking. You bounced excitedly. "We might have to make the enemy our friend." Your smile dropped, "What do you mean?" You asked her.

Minuet held a hand to her chin, "If we want to gain the trust of them, we need to gain the trust of their leader, who we know is, currently, Queen Barb. If we get to her, we get to them." She informed you.

You hummed quietly, "How will we do that?" You questioned. "Well, I, for one, am not able to get her attention. But, she seems to love talking to you and teasing you. It would be a cake-walk for you to get her attention." Minuet said, snickering. 

You rolled your eyes, "Yeah, she won't leave me alone. It's like she-" "Wants you to talk to her." Minuet finished your sentence. You nodded. "But, other than that, I think we could really find a way out of here with this plan." You said, grinning. "Hey, quiet over there!" One of the guards shouted at you.

You stuck your tongue out at him and he came over, "I guess this is where I execute our plan!" You whispered to Minuet. She gasped as you were dragged out of your cell and taken somewhere. 

Imperfection (Barb x Reader) (READ DESC.)Where stories live. Discover now