Chapter One: The Detective

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It was fall and the trees were a beautiful red and orange color.  Well, at least the trees that you could find.  Gotham city isn’t the most beautiful place.  Everyone was rushing to go to work except for one person.  A man was standing in front of the Gotham City Police Department.  He had brown hair that was slicked back, and he wore a dark gray formal jacket that was unbuttoned.  He had on a white, long sleeve button up shirt and a brown vest with black pants and belt.  This man is Scott Holmes, the CIA’s most trusted detective.  

Scott entered the building and was greeted by a few of their cops.  They directed him to Commissioner Gordon’s office.  He knocked on the door.  “Come in.”  someone said.  Scott entered the room and stood in front of the Commissioners desk.  “So, you’re the detective?”  Gordon asked.  “Yes, that would be me.”  Scott told him.  Scott had a british accent that gradually became more noticeable as he got older.  “Well, you probably want to know why you're here.”  Gordon said.  “You needed me here because you think that there is a terrorist in Gotham but you’re not sure and you didn’t know who to call?”  Scott asked him.  “Um… yes.  There have been explosions and we wanted an expert to look at the crime scenes.”  Gordon responded.  “Alright, where are the crime scenes?” 

The two  walked to the first crime scene at a small bank with a few cops.  Gordon took Scott to the vault in the basement that had been busted into.  Scott observed it for a quick second.  “This wasn’t an ordinary robbery.”  Scott stated.  “Pardon?”  Gordon asked.  “The alarms were never set off, yet there is no way they drilled in through a hole in the ceiling.  So they had to come in through the front door.  And look,”  Scott informed Gordon before walking to a safe and opened it.  “The alarms still haven’t gone off.  This means that they disabled the alarms.  And you also don’t have footage, meaning they disabled the cameras.  Now, let’s go back to the vault.”  Scott told them before heading to the vault.  “The size and the markings of the drill holes look different than a normal drill.  Since the vault is so thick, they had to use a blowtorch to melt the metal and make it easier to drill through, hence the odd shape of the drill hole.  But, normal drills can’t drill through hot metal, so they would need special drills.”  Scott explained.  Gordon and the others stood there in astonishment.  “So, what happened was: they disabled the alarms and cams, came in through the front door and went straight for the vault because of the wet shoe marks leading to the vault, then used a blowtorch to melt the metal and used special drills to get inside the vault.”  Scott told them.  “But, what doesn’t make sense is how they got such tools to do this.  The only way that they could have these tools would be for them to have a person on the inside.  Someone must be helping them.  Has anyone recently gotten a high end job here in Gotham?”  Scott asked.  “Uh, yeah.  Maranda Tate, she works at Wayne Enterprises.”  Gordon informed him.  “I see.”  

They head back to the station and Scott writes down all the information in a new notebook.  Everytime Scott gets an important case, he gets a notebook for only that case that he fills with information, pictures, and evidence that the police don’t take.  He went back to his hotel that he rented for the time being.  It was pretty small, only consisting of a bathroom, a bedroom, and a kitchen, but it was nice.  And he was lucky to get a room with a bulletin board and a desk.  He had taken pictures of the robbery and put them up on the bulletin board.  He went to bed, but couldn’t shake the feeling that this case wasn't ordinary.

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