Chapter 4

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A/N: If you remember it from the movie, I don't own it.  I'd like to thank Mircosedy from for beta-reading.  I mentioned that there is pot smoking in this fanfic but I neglected to mention that I don't take it seriously.  Look up That 70s Show and circle on YouTube to get what I mean.  I forgot to mention this in my last chapter so I'll mention it now.  If you go to my journal, you'll find a list of voice actors I picked for my OCs.  That list is subject to change as new OCs enter the story, so feel free to check back every once in a while.

Kat applauded along with the rest of the cafe when Once-ler was done.  She went straight to the register as soon as she finished her mocha.

"That was amazing!" Kat exclaimed as Once-ler walked right next to her, basking in the applause.

"I-I can't believe it!" Once-ler said, still in a daze.  "They really liked me?"

"You act like you've never heard applause before," Kat observed and then turned her attention to the pale skinny red-head behind the counter.  "Hey, Ryan, can I get a pack of sugar cubes to go?"

"Why do you need sugar cubes?" Once-ler asked.

"There's this donkey outside I want to feed," Kat said nonchalantly.

"You sure that's not a mule?"

"What do you mean?" Kat asked until it finally dawned on her.  "Of course, you used to have those on your farm all the time."

That was when Ryan showed up with pack of sugar cubes.

"Good show tonight," Ryan said to Once-ler and gave them the pack while ringing up their total on the register.  "So, who's paying?"

Kat reached for her purse strapped on her shoulder while Once-ler reached for his wallet.

"I'll get this," Once-ler insisted.

"No, I'm dating him so I get a discount," Kat said.

Once-ler's happiness from earlier disappeared.

"You're dating?!" Once-ler exclaimed.

"Not exactly," Kat said, handing Ryan the money.  "It's more like an arrangement."

"What sort of arrangement?" Once-ler asked, like he was afraid to know the answer.

"He gives me a discount on all his products, I pretend to be his girlfriend when his parents come to town," Kat explained.

"Why does he need you to pretend to be his girlfriend?" Once-ler asked.

"Because I'm gay and I don't want to come out to my parents," Ryan said, ringing the cash register and handing Kat her change.

"And I also get a free meal," Kat said absentmindedly, taking the change and the pack of sugar cubes on the counter.  "Thanks, Ryan."

"Anytime, Kat."

Kat and Once-ler left the cafe and fed the mule some sugar cubes.

"He's so cute!  What's his name?" Kat asked while putting the bag of sugar cubes in the wagon.

"Melvin, I got him at a ranch when I was 13," Once-ler said grinning sheepishly.  "Apparently, no one else wanted him."

"Let me guess, because he's not a majestic horse," Kat said bitterly while petting Melvin.

"Yeah, how did you know?" Once-ler asked.

"Let's just say that I've had some experience with animal cruelty," Kat said with melancholy evident in her voice.

"Oh, of course," Once-ler said, looking around the parking lot.  "If you want I could walk you to your car."

"Actually, I don't have a car," Kat said sheepishly.  "I usually just walk or take the bus everywhere.  Truth is, I was hoping to get a ride from you."

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