A day at Seattle Grace

661 22 11

(Samantha's POV)

I Got dressed In one of my favorite flannels. My mom had always let me where what I wanted. She said that shed never force me to do or wear anything that I didn't want to, like her mother Bizzy did. I had only met her once a few years ago at Christmas. True to my mothers word, I did not like her.

Today my mom was letting me go to work with her. I know that's usually a kiddish thing to do, but I was excited. I wanted to be an orthopedic pediatrician. So being able to go on rounds with the interns and actually being in a hospital full of medicine was thrilling.

We walked into the hospital together. My mom had a case with Twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome. How cool was that. My mom was the surgeon to beat. She was a double certified surgeon and the best on the west coast. Not to brag, but she really was the best.

We went to the neonatal wing where my moms office was.  She got changed into her scrubs while I waited outside the door.

"Hello, are you lost?" A woman in light blue scrubs came up to me.

I chuckle, "No my mom's, getting changed in her office. I'm just waiting out here for her. "

She looks at the plaque on the door and then turns back towards me.

"Addison Montgomery is here? And your her daughter?" The blonde asked.

"Yup, I'm Samantha Forbes-Montgomery- Shepherd. But you can call me Sam. I'm hanging around here today." I reply.

"Izzie Stevens, Im on your moms service today." She introduced.

"Will you be scrubbing in on the TTT's case?" I ask her. It was supposed to be a all hands on deck kind of surgery.

"I hope so.." She said before she was interrupted by the door opening.

"Hello Doctor Montgomery, I'm Izzie Stevens, I'm your intern for the day." The blonde introduced herself.

"Good morning, have you updated yourself on the upcoming case?" Addison asked.

"Yes, Cara Davis, 39, 33 weeks pregnant with twins. She came in on 11/06  with TTT's."

"And can you tell me what TTT's is? She asked looking through her chart.

"Two or more genetically identical babies share the same placenta."

Correct, Dr. Sam, how do we fix it?" She looked at me.

Izzie looked confusedly towards me. I thought a moment before answering.

"Laser fetal surgery."

"Continue," she says.

"Using a laser, a thin telescope is inserted into the uterus to separate the blood vessels on the placenta that run from one twin to the other, separating the two." I smile. My mom had quizzed me on rare cases she had done before. I'm just glad I remembered.

Izzie looked wide eyed at me. I just shrugged.

"Good job Sam. It's time for rounds. Ready to go Stevens?" She smiled.

I decided to go down to the cafeteria. I didn't really feel like hanging with the interns. That would be weird. And they'd probably find me annoying anyway. I grab a muffin and a water and sit down at an empty table.  A woman in light blue scrubs comes to my table.

"Hello, what's your name?" The brunette asked.

"Samantha Montgomery-Shepherd." What's your name?

"Callie Torres, mind If I sit?"

"Yeah sure." I say gesturing to a seat at the empty table.

"So what are you doing here?"

"Well I'm from New York, but my mom and I are  out here for a case.

"The TTT's case?" She asked taking a bite of her sandwich.

"Yup!" I say. "So, what field are you?"

"I'm a  4th year, hoping to go into ortho." She says.

"Really? I want to be a orthopedic pediatrician." I say excitedly.

"Cool, so what grade are you in anyway?" She asked after swallowing.

"9th," I sigh. "But my schools in New York so I'm on more of a 'holiday' right now." She explains.

Callies pager goes off. "Sorry kid, gotta go. She says before rushing off.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2021 ⏰

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