Sandra- The Tramp

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I'm so late for my date with Matt. I haven't even finished geting dressed yet. It's not really a big deal though; he puts up with it. I'm probably going to dump him later today. I mean he's cute and all but I'm really only dating him to make Owen Stevens jealous. He's my ex boyfriend and we broke up about two months ago, I've been trying to get him back since then. Its working pretty well, he started texting me again a few weeks ago when I went on my first date with Matt. He asked if we could hang out a few days ago; after I "accidentally" sent him a message about how great Matt is in bed.

We hooked up last night, and good God it was amazing. He definitely wants me back. So now I have to break up with Matt so that I can get back with Owen. I get in my car and start heading to the park because for some reason Matt likes to be there on Saturdays. At first when we started going out I thought that I might just stay with him cause he's pretty hot, and he's really nice, but after I started talking to Owen again I realized that I didn't want to be with Matt. And when we hooked up last night I knew I wanted to be with Owen. 

I gues I feel a little guilty for having used Matthew like that, but when we started going out he told me that it was "temporary" because he loved this other girl. I wasn't really listening, I'm pretty sure she died or something. I don't know it doesn't really matter though; I'm gonna dump him whether that chick is alive or dead. 

Finally I'm at this stupid little park. I hate this ugly place. I wish the city would just tear it down and build a mall or something. I park my car and get out to go find Matthew, ew who the hell is that chick he's talking to.  

"Matthew who's this?" she's not really the prettiest thing. She's wearing the least flattering jeans on Earth and a baggy sweatshirt. She has her big, frizzy mess of long dirty blonde curls shoved up in the hood of her sweatshirt, and her glasses are falling off her face. 

Matt isn't really the kind of guy to flirt with other girls when he has a girlfriend flirting. He stands next to me and explains who she is; apparently her name is like Lila or something, I'm not really paying attention. She's obviously gay, I mean honestly just from looking at her she's definitely not straight, and Matt just said something about military school. "Oh good, I was worried that she was some tramp from Luke Bridge flirting with you. But now that I know she's a lesbian I feel much better,"

She starts laughing, "What makes you think I'm a lesbian?"

"You went to military school, and there's no other logical explanation for what you're wearing," why wouldn't I think she's gay? Has she ever looked in a mirror? 

"I'm not gay," she smirks at me. Hold on, what the fuck is happening? Matthew was flirting it up with some tramp, who does he think he is? He does remember that he's dating me right? He puts his arm around me and I lean in to whisper in his ear. 

"I was thinking you could come over after lunch; my parents went on vacation to Italy and I thought we could have some fun," I say trying to flirt him back to me. 

He leans in to whisper back to me, "Do you remember what I said to you when we started dating? This is the friend that I was telling you about, I'm not interested in sleeping with you," 

Ugh now he's totally pissed me off. I'm sure I'll be able to get him to move on. Like I don't even care about Owen anymore, I just don't want to be the one to get dumped. We both get in my car and I watch that stupid bitch wave at us while we drive away. 

We drive in silence for few minutes until I stop the car. I've figured out a way to make Matthew stay with me. "Matthew," he looks up at me "I love you, and I want to be with you forever,"  

"Sandra, I - I don't know what to say," there's no way in hell he'll leave me for that tramp now. 

"Don't say anything," I lean over to kiss him, " Just promise you'll never leave me," he starts to say something but I interrupt him by kissing him. Sorry Owen, looks like you're going to have to wait a little while longer. I'll think of you when we're doing it later. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2015 ⏰

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