~Chapter 2~ Tutor Session

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            It was lunchtime. The cafeteria was full and everyone was sitting at their usual tables, with their friend groups, while Clay was sitting at his own table by himself. He reached into his pocket of his everyday green hoodie, and sighed.

"Dammit.." He mumbled under his breath as he soon remembered he used all his money on school supplies a while back.

Before Clay had the chance to leave himself, the bell rang for last period and headed to class, which just so happened to be study hall.

Clay also happened to have a new student to tutor today, so he went to Room 213, which was just in an empty hallway. He was usually the only one up here.

He stood outside the room so whoever was coming, knew where to go. Truth be told, he wasn't told who was gonna be tutoring. What he did know, was that it was the principals kid. After about five minutes someone starting heading towards Clay.

"George?" Clay sounded slightly shocked.
He's the principals kid? Why does he need a tutor?

George smirked and nodded as he walked past Clay and winked at him as he walked into Room 213 and sat down at a desk.

Clay blushed slightly and covered his face as he walked into the room after George.

"You can look at me y'know?" George giggled as he placed his bag on the ground and motioned for Clay to come sit down.

Clay sat down on the floor and for some reason George looked confused.
"What are you doing Clay?" He asked, clearly confused.


"Why not on a chair?"

Clay was confused but soon remembered George was new to this.

"The rest of the seats are broken." Clay said light heartedly.

George smiled at just hearing Clay's voice but realized that must look weird so he went back to his resting face.

"You can sit here instead, you're the tutor not me." But before George could get up, Clay sat on George's lap.

"Thank you Georgie." Clay didn't know George didn't mean this but George didn't stop him. All he did was become a blushing mess.

"So if you add-" Clay started the tutor session but George couldn't focus when Clay was on his lap.

"-id you get that? George? George? George!" George didn't know how much time had passed but when he checked the clock only seven minutes had passed.

"N-no sorry, could you repeat that?" George sighed but Clay gave him a smile of reassurance and patience.

"Of course!" After a few hours, a ton of math problems, and the bell, it was night time.

Clay was asleep in George's arms and George didn't know what to do, all he knew was that the nerd, the pretty boy, was in his lap, sleeping peacefully.

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