Part 2 / Ride

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Anastasia's POV:

August 31st, 1996

I've been on the train for about an hour, we are halfway through the trip.

I look through the window and see the clouded grey skies, and think how most people see rainy days and clouded skies as something sad or depressive, but I think it's all about perspective, because you can always find beauty in the darkest times, or at least that's what my father used to say.

While I was thinking, I fiddled with the golden locket my father once brought me, he always used to bring me a gift after all his trips to "make up" for his absence. The necklace he brought me this one time was very special to me, because it was one of the few times my father ever told me how much he loved me, or at least expressed. The necklace was a beautiful heart shaped golden locket that on the inside had the words "Toujours dans mon coeur" which means always in my heart in french.

As the train ride kept going, i began to feel a bit nervous, all because of the fact that now my legal guardian was going to be a person that i have never even meet before; he is supposed to be an old friend of my dad, I guess they knew each other from work because I've never heard of him, and apparently he was a teacher at Hogwarts, which meant that Hogwarts was basically going to be my new home;

from now on I was going to be spending every vacation, Christmas or any holiday at Hogwarts, so I guess it is not an option for me to like it there, because I am about to spend the next 3 years of my life at that school.









The Train arrived at night, the platform was dark and very quiet, you could tell that this was now London, sadness in the air, maybe it was just because it was 9:00pm already, but it didn't really feel as welcoming as I expected it to be.

I spot a bench and I sit around and wait for my dad's friend to pick me up. I wasn't familiar with him, in fact I didn't know him at all, the only thing I had to identify him was a little piece of paper Marie gave to me, it had his name "Severus Snape", that sounded like a very depressive name if you ask me: So I started to wonder what he would look like... maybe he wasn't too tall? or average height? i don't know, but I imagine he is about 6ft tall. What color would his eyes be? dark mysterious brown or relieving and deep blue? or maybe even green as the depths of the forest, no, I think that brown suits his name well.

As I was still lost in my thoughts I spotted a big shadow behind me, I quickly turned around and saw this ginormous man, almost as tall as a giant, he had a very very long beard, and he was wearing a fur coat. Was he Severus Snape?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2021 ⏰

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