The Hotdog

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It was a sunny autumn day when Steven made his way to the fridge. He was really hungry and had a leftover hot dog in the fridge he'd been thinking about all morning. The gems were out on a mission, leaving him home alone once again. While it had been rather lonely that day, with Connie being busy with school and Greg working at the car wash, a delicious savory meal awaited to brighten the boy's spirits. "Oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy!" he exclaimed as he opened the refrigerator door. Much to his dismay however, the hot dog was nowhere in sight.

"Oh noooooO!" He cried. Inside the chilled chamber, only the shiny glass plate remained with a single bread crumb, all that was left of his so desired meal. Steven sighed, debating over whether to head into town and buy some fry bits or just find something else to eat. He just wished something would go right for him today. "The gems didn't bring you along on a mission this time, dude?" a voice spoke from behind him, sending chills up the boy's spine. He knew this voice all too well, though it had been quite some time since he'd heard it.

Steven turned around immediately to face the intruder, eyes growing wide as they locked onto matching ones. "Stephen?! But- how-?! Dad said-!"

"Oh, who cares what dad said!" the intruder's brows furrowed. "He can't get rid of me that easily, and neither can you!" Steven could've sworn he saw small tears in Stephen's eyes, but if they had been there, they were quickly blinked away and replaced with a glare of pure hatred.

"Stephen, let's talk about this!" Steven pleaded. It had been quite a while since he'd seen his brother, admittedly, and he knew that was wrong of him. A twinge of guilt began to writhe in his stomach.

"No! I've had it with you and I've had it with them! Do they even know I exist, Steven?!" Stephen backed his brother against the counter. Steven fell silent, eyes moving towards the ground in front of him. Stephen crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes. "Well, do they?!"

" they don't..." Steven mumbled, unable to look up at his brother. He now began to realize how the arrangement they've had all their lives might not have been fair. No, that it wasn't fair. Despite already knowing the answer, Steven's words stung Stephen. "I am just as important as you." he gritted his teeth.

Steven finally made eye contact with his brother. "I have powers too, you know!" Stephen's voice rose. "I've been practicing in secret! I don't have any gems to help me, yet honestly I'm even better than you! They only fawn over you because you have mom's gem! Especially Pearl!" Steven noticed the extra bitterness in Stephen's tone at the end.

"Stephen, I'm sorry!" Steven tried to reason, but Stephen cut him off. "It's too late for that shit! I came here to see if they'd finally meet me face to face, maybe even train me like you, but now I know exactly what I'm going to do." A sinister smirk appeared on the boy's face, causing Steven to flinch. Anxiety began to flood through him as his brother's smirk only grew.

Stephen laughed at Steven's fear. "I'm going to take over your life! With you out of the way, I'll finally get everything I ever wanted and the gems will pay for their negligence!" Before Steven could even react, Stephen got closer to him, deciding to taunt the boy further. "Oh and by the way, I ate your hot dog! WITHOUT EVEN REHEATING IT!" "You maniac!" Steven cried, tears forming in his eyes at the thought of his brother's plans and the gems possibly suffering for something that was his own fault. That and his hot dog's grim, very cold, specifically 32 degrees, fate.

Stephen slammed the fridge door closed and Steven could do nothing to stop his brother as he pointed a finger at him and froze him in place. Steven was left a sentient statue, frozen in horror with his mouth agape and hands frozen near his face, like the famous Scream painting. Stephen pushed Steven to the stairs toward the basement, before picking him up and carrying him to his new prison.

Downstairs were screens showing all parts of the house. Stephen placed Steven in front of them and laughed, "Now you can see how everyone reacts to me being you! I even have a GoPro in my belly button that can see through my shirt. That way you can see everyyything that goes on from now on." Steven wanted to cry, but even his tear ducts were frozen. The other gems would know something is wrong, right? They would surely know he's not himself when he starts acting differently, right? Of course! No need to worry! This whole mess would be over in a matter of minutes! Steven thought to himself. He could only hope he was right...

Stephen looked at him to say one more thing, before heading upstairs. "By the way dear brother, I don't even like hot dogs!" he laughed as he headed upstairs. Oh, how Steven wished he could scream right now.

 Oh, how Steven wished he could scream right now

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