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11:06 pm

akaashi was still watching his show when he got a notification, he grabbed his phone and saw bokuto texted him

hey hey heyyyy


sorry i didn't text you sooner 🥺 i was taking a nap :D

it's fine, i didn't even care

suuureee tsundere

am not

are too, but it's okay :)

im not a tsundere but okay go off i guess. why are you texting me ?

because i woke up and immediately texted you because i said i'd text you

yeah yeah i know, i'm going to sleep bye

already ? it's only 11 😔

yes now, i still need sleep since i barley slept last night baka

rude, and fine, goodnight kaashi <33


next day

akaashi woke up to his phone vibrating, he grabbed his phone and saw bokuto was calling him, akaashi groaned in annoyance then answered the phone


HEY HEY HEYYY.. erm can you pick me up for school ?

for fucks sake, fine whatever bye

YAY thank you bye akaashi

akaashi hanged up, he decided to fall back asleep since his alarm hadn't rang.. two minutes later akaashi woke up to his alarm

"you've got to be kidding me" akaashi muttered under his breath as he turned his alarm off

he got off of his bed and went to the bathroom to take a quick shower, once he had finished he brushed his teeth then went to his closet and put on a white collared shirt under a black long sleeved shirt with black pants with chains on it

once he finished getting ready he grabbed his phone and bag. he went outside and turned on his motorcycle and drove to bokutos house

akaashi texted bokuto saying 'i'm here hurry up' and a few seconds later bokuto went outside then ran up to akaashi

"hi kaashi" bokuto said with a grin plastered on his face "hello" akaashi said as he put on bokutos helmet who blushed im return

bokuto got on the motorcycle and held onto akaashi.

few minutes later

once akaashi arrived, the two got off of the motorcycle and akaashi chained the motorcycle up and put the helmets in the bag

while bokuto was waiting for him. akaashi then looked at bokuto and said "let's go" and bokuto responded with a nod and the two started walking to their class

people looked at them, noticing how the two came to school together and were walking to class together.

most didn't like it since bokuto was the most popular boy in the school.

akaashi was popular, but only because everyone disliked him since akaashi didn't talk to anyone

and when they tried, akaashi bluntly told them to leave or ignored them, which is why people started disliking him.

especially when then females tried confessing to him, and reject them bluntly and leave them in tears, he was cold hearted, atleast for now.

besides it was either ignoring them and telling them to leave him alone. if if akaashi did become their friend or lover akaashi would end up having to restrain himself from killing them when they got annoying.

which was a lot of work since he basically killed people on the daily and had to get rid of the body and evidence, which takes a lot of time to do that.

the gunmetal blue eyed male was already having a hard time restraining himself from not killing bokuto.

besides.. he didn't know he'd end up wishing he spent more time with him..

MUAHAHA >:) oop dont mind the last sentence heh

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