15-Take A Breather

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One month later.....

A little to the left, I told the muses as he massaged my shoulders. Yessss right there.

"Thank you Keshia, I really needed this girls day."

"You know I got you girl. With everything going on with your grandmother and working all these extra shifts at work to get that promotion, I could tell you needed a breather."

"Ugh don't even mention work or my grandma with her stubborn ass."

"Haha she turned your ass down to moving in with you permanently huh?"

"Girl you already know, talking about she's a grown ass woman and needs privacy for when she gets her freak on."

"Opp I know she didn't. I know ain't nobody freaking on her with her mean ass."

"Whatever don't underestimate my granny you know she is a G. Plus the whole month she's been staying with me she's been leaving early and coming back late and most nights I hear her on the phone with some man."

"Does she say where she's going?"

"Girl no you know she ain't finna tell me anything about what she is doing. That's what she calls being in her business. But she says she's leaving to go back to Louisiana next week. I don't want her living alone anymore especially with her having cancer. What if something happens and there is no one there to help her. She's all I have left out of my blood family. Cancer sucks!"

"Aht aht don't you start that again Tima I planned this day to relieve stress not add more. You know your grandma, she's as stubborn as you. Everything will be okay. Now let's enjoy this massage, I have some other things planned for us today."

"Okay you're right, no more stress. No more talk of cancer or work today. Wait, speaking of work how's your fashion line going?"

"Fashion line?"

"Yea the fashion line you said you were starting when you were having that big meeting that I crashed uh sorry about that."

"Ohhh yea that fashion line it's coming along good."

"I can't wait to see it. I'm surprised you actually told me about your work since you're always so shady when we talk about your job."

"What! I'm not shady about my job."

"Really then why I've never been to your office?"

"I just like to keep my personal and work life separate. Damn is that a crime?"

"No you're just so secretive about it. Like come on we're besties and I don't know what you actually do for a living. You act like you're the leader of a gang or something."

"Would you ladies like a refill on your mimosas?"

Whew saved by the muthfucking bell. Yes, I say a little too loudly causing people to look our way. Giving them a mind your damn business look they turn back to what they're doing. Holding my glass up, I tell the lady to fill it all the way up and keep them coming. All of these lies are getting hard to keep up with, and if I know Fatima she doesn't let anything go until she gets to the bottom of it.

"You alright?," Fatima asks me as she watches me down my mimosa without taking a breath.

"I'm fine. Enough about me and my job are you still double dipping in the male pond?" I ask her as I lay back down to have my massage continued. I already knew she was, I just needed a subject changer so she would stop asking about my damn job.

"I'm not double dipping I just uh I hell I don't know what i'm doing. I guess you can call it double dipping. But I can't choose between them; they both have the qualities any girl would look for in a man."

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