Chapter 11

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Robin... he's always the first thing on my mind, the last thought before I sleep, and my truest love. Now, he'll be the first thing I see when I wake up in the morning. I wouldn't have it any other way, either. It's always been him, and always will be. The world feels right now that I'm moving in with him.

As soon as the house came into view, the smell of the beaches in the air, I was unbelievably giddy with excitement that it was almost unbearable. Ever since I got off the plane, I couldn't stop smiling and I still can't.

"Ready, my love?" Robin asks with a corner of his mouth quirking upwards.

I always feel my heart swell and my pulse quicken whenever he calls me a pet name. "I have been ever since you asked me."

He takes my hand and squeezes it tightly as if to say that I'm his, and he is mine. The Miami breeze blows my hair over my face lightly, and some strands of hair are out of place as Robin and I walk inside our new house.

"So?" he probes with a small smile.

"I love it." I look down at my feet before he tilts my chin so our eyes meet. My breath catches in my throat quickly as I notice the look in his eyes that melts me to my core. My lips part and I want to tell him 'I love you'. Except I know that now isn't the right time. Soon, though.

Cutting off my next string of thoughts, Robin leans in and kisses me deeply, and places his hands on either side of my face. Damn, he still knows how to sweep me off my feet. Not that I ever had any doubt.

We stand there for a moment with our foreheads pressed together, and I have my eyes closed. My breathing was heavy and slowly regulated again.

"Darling, I think I should let you unpack. You have your own space in the closet in our room. I'd love for you to see it," he mutters with a twinkle in his eye.

I love how excited he is and how enthusiastic he is right now. That kind of passion for life is what keeps life exciting and what keeps me on my toes. I'll never be bored with him, that's for sure.

Our hands intertwined, we stride over to our room. Our room. It made me feel fuzzy inside to know that we're sharing a bed when I know we haven't before. I suddenly was looking forward to going to sleep tonight.

"It's- Wow. This is much nicer than what I had in my old apartment, that's for sure," I comment breathlessly.

He slides a hand onto my upper back and rubs it affectionately with a proud smile on his face. "I'm glad you do. Krista, I've been waiting for the moment where we finally get the chance to develop into something real." He stops for a second and meets my eyes intently. "I want to plan our first official date, for real. I know we've never officially been on one and I want you're first to be special because that's what you deserve."

"I would love that." I plant a kiss on his cheek. I had to stand up on my tip-toes to reach his cheek, however.

"It's a date then. We can think of places to go after dinner with Barry and Maurice tonight."


As quickly as I seemed to have come, dinner arrived and it was going to be moments before Maurice and Barry would arrive. We planned on ordering a pizza for dinner.

As I began to settle in, I noticed more about Miami and how it was different than California. Miami seemed to be a bit more sleepy than normal towns. But I loved the atmosphere and the beaches. They've always been a sort of happy place for me. Being near the beach and smelling the ocean air and hearing the waves is so soothing.

Robin and I sat on the couch in the main room waiting for them to arrive. "Anything you want to watch on TV, darling?" he asks.

I lay my head on his shoulder and snuggle up closer to him. "I don't care too much."

With a grin, he changes the channel to a show we could listen to in the background while talking to each other. He put his arms around me to hold me tightly. My eyelids begin to flutter shut. Jet lag got to me later than I expected. I was so excited to be here that I forgot about jet lag, to be honest.

"Are you sleepy? Try to stay awake, darling, because they should be here soon," Robin remarked in a soft tone.

"I can't help it if I'm a little sleepy from a lot of excitement." I giggle a bit from how tire I am.

He has this mischievous twinkle in his eye. "Maybe this will help you wake up..." Robin starts to tickle me which sends me into a fit of laughter and giggles.

"Robin! This- It tickles!" I exclaim amid fits of giggles.

"Well, that's the point isn't it?" he comments with a smirk, finally ceasing to tickle me. "I hope that woke you up some, darling."

Still laying my head on his shoulder, I did nothing except laugh and nod.

Then the doorbell rings and we spring out of our seats. They're here!

"Hey, guys! Glad you could make it," I say.

We invite them inside and they all greet me with a smile and a hug. "We're excited to catch up on things!" Maurice exclaims.

The pizza sits on the kitchen table, the smell of it wafting in my nose. I almost catch myself drooling over the pizza.

The brothers and I sit at the table and eat our pizza with such hunger that it's almost funny. We're all too hungry to eat I guess.

"What are you two up to tonight?" Barry asks with a smile.

My initial reaction is to laugh, naturally. Then Robin comes back and says, "Oh, you know us. We'll probably just cuddle and talk in bed before we go to sleep." He looks at me with a warm smile and shining eyes that make my heart soar.


Dinner goes by in a flash. Too quick if you ask me. But I am looking forward to my first night with Robin in our house. Our house. I won't ever get tired of hearing that word. It makes me giddy thinking about it, to be honest.

It's about 9:00 pm and, even though it's quite early, I'm still tired. So, I decide to change into my pajamas. All I wear for pajamas are an oversized t-shirt and booty shorts because it's a little hotter here than I'm used to. I spin around in the mirror to see my pajamas because I'm that weird.

"Looking good."

I whip my head around to see Robin standing in the doorway in his pajamas. Except... He wasn't wearing a shirt. Only shorts and I won't lie when I say that my heart went crazy at that moment.

"You-You're looking good too," I stammer, my eyes wide. It's not like this is new, but it takes me off-guard to the point where I don't know how to react.

"Am I making you nervous, darling?" Ah, he always knows how to make me nervous. Always...

"Shut up and cuddle with me," I tell him with a laugh.

I lay down underneath the covers and pat the area next to me. As soon as I know it, Robin wraps his arms around me and lays my head on his chest. I listen to his heartbeat which I can tell is slightly faster than normal. In a way, it's soothing to listen to it knowing that I am his and he's mine.

He leans into me and kisses me softly. I can't stress this enough. He is such a good kisser and his lips are so soft.

Except the kiss gets more passionate. Nothing like that happens. But slowly Robin and I are making out and I feel connected to him emotionally.

Because I'm not used to this kind of stuff, I got tired easily and started to fall asleep.

"Darling, are you falling asleep already?" Robin asked, frowning playfully.

I laugh and just lay my head on his chest and close my eyes with his arms wrapped around me.

"Goodnight Robin, I love you." Then it slipped out. The 'I love you'. No going back now.

"I love you too, Krista."

I went to sleep with those words echoing in my mind as I fell into a dreamful sleep. 

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