Chapter 3

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"Welcome back (F/N)! I already cooked dinner- Oh, you brought someone? And.... is that a dog collar?" Ikumatsu was surprised.

(F/N) shakes her head. "Ikumatsu-san I can explain!!"

Ikumatsu blinked. "Explain what? I think that dog collar is cute." She opened the door wide. (F/N) was surprised and looked at Sougo who's trying to hold back his laughter. "So you're not mad or anything Ikumatsu-san?" (F/N) asked her.

"Why would I be mad? Your friend brought you back here safely." Ikumatsu smiled at Sougo. "Please come in too. There's enough dinner for us three." She signalled him to go inside.

The three of them went inside together. 'Safely?!? He attached a leash on me and kept pulling me around!!' (F/N) thought to herself and glared at Sougo. 'I guess that's a relief. I thought Ikumatsu-san would be mad at me for bringing this jerk here.' (F/N) and Sougo sat beside each other while Ikumatsu prepares their dinner.

(F/N) realized that the collar was still attached to her. "Hey, Okita-san." She calls his attention. "We're here now. Can you PLEASE remove this already?" (F/N) grabbed the chains, showing it in front of him.

"No. I don't want to." Sougo said after drinking his water.

"Why?" (F/N) asks him. Still hoping for it to be removed before eating.


Sougo can't think of any reasons. "Because Ikumatsu-san said it's cute." He replied back to her.

'I don't know if that's a compliment or an insult.' She rolled her eyes. "That doesn't mean it gets to stay here attached to me forever!!" (F/N) crosses her arms.

(F/N) had no choice but to do it. She faces him, with puppy eyes. 'I'm going to regret this'

"Please Okita-san." She plead. Hoping that it works on him.

Sougo was caught off guard. "No." He says as he tries not to act out of character. "Do it again but call me master. Maybe I'll change my mind." He added while keeping a straight face.

'It didn't work at all!!!! I always use that move on Ikumatsu-san and it would work perfectly!!' (F/N) thinks for more different ways to convince the sadist. " I give up." She muttered to herself and faces the direction where Ikumatsu is standing.

4 minutes has passed. Ikumatsu is now putting food on the table. "There you go! hope both of you like it. Please enjoy!" Ikumatsu sits in front of (F/N).

"You're a fantastic cook, Ikumatsu-san!" (F/N) happily said. Not minding the leash on her neck and the presence of Sougo beside her.

Ikumatsu stands up from her seat. "I'll be right back real quick. I forgot the condiments. Go start without me, okay?" she said, heading towards the kitchen.

(F/N) realized that the collar on her neck is already gone. 'Oh. He removed it already.' she says to herself. Massaging her own neck, she turns to Sougo. "Hey-"

"Itadakimasu" He held his hands together, close his eyes, and bows slightly. Cutting (F/N) off from what she's about to say. Pretending that he didn't hear anything.

"Jeez." (F/N) murmured.


After eating their meals and helping Ikumatsu-san clear out the table. (F/N) asked Sougo to come with her to get his coat inside her room.

Sougo walked in after (F/N). "Your room is nice and simple." He said to her. Passing by one of the drawers that have picture frames on top of it. He stops by to look at it one by one. The first few he saw was her childhood pictures, playing outside and playing with animals. She also had a picture with Ikumatsu, and it's placed on a bigger frame.

"Don't touch or move anything Okita-san." (F/N) told him while she's getting the coat.

"Too late. I already put my snot on top of your drawers." Sougo said and wipes his finger on top of the drawer even if he didn't do such a thing. (F/N) runs to where he is, just to see that there's really nothing on it. An irked appeared on her head. "Just take your damn coat and leave! I already washed it." She threw the coat on his face aggressively as she can then crossed her arms.

Sougo removes the coat from his face. Putting it on top of his shoulders. "Wow that hurt, you cleanfreak." he said sarcastically.

" 'Hurt' my ass. I bet you didn't even feel anything with that force. It deserves to be thrown to your face anyway." (F/N) replied to him while she looks at her pictures. Sougo didn't say anything else, he was just staring at her after she said her lines.

(F/N) faces him. "What?"

"You have something on the corner of your lips." Sougo says. He uses his thumb to wipe it off for her. "There." He says with a smirk.

(F/N) panicked and covered her mouth. 'Did he just..? No no no. If there really was something I should've noticed it right away! Calm down. He's just messing with me. Maybe he just wiped his snot as a revenge. It's totally normal for other people to touch someones lips right? right? Aha ahaha.' She says everything to herself in a fast-paced manner while her eyes are wide open.

"Just kidding." Sougo mocked, making her snap back to reality. He really didn't remove or put anything on the corner of her lips. Maybe he just felt like doing it. He turns around and walks toward her door. "Thanks for the food and returning my coat." He shuts the door and left.

'What do you mean just kidding?! Why did you wipe my lips then? Is it your snot? It's your snot isnt?!' (F/N) thought in disgust. She puts her hand down, then realized that handcuffs are locked into her right wrist. She lowered her head with her eyes darkened.


"YOU DAMN SADIST!!" (F/N) yelled.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2021 ⏰

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