Part 2

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"This egg timer will do perfectly." Sasha exclaims fiddling with its settings. It almost reminds me of monopoly, except instead of the banker Sasha is the time keeper. She claims that she doesn't want anyone else tampering with the timer in order to snag a few extra minutes in the cupboard with their secret crush or whatever. I mean, they could always get a room, we're adults here. Adults that play seven minutes in heaven... What poor decisions have I made to end up in this position right now. I could be anywhere in the world right now. Instead, I'm sitting in a circle of drunk and high college kids wanting to bang in a cupboard. I can't judge them though, my alcoholic choices have led me to be sitting here as well. I try to maintain nonchalance, but Eren's leg practically grazing mine keeps my stature tight and my heart throbbing through my eardrums. I can't help but inch a fraction of a centimetre closer to him so that I make a hairs width of contact. The feeling of his tracksuit pants against my knee cap sends a jolt of electricity up through my spine, leaving a static feeling in my fingertips. I glance inconspicuously at Eren's sharp side profile and notice that he's just as aware as me of our knees touching. A barely visible smirk curls his lips and he doesn't make an effort to move his knee. My chest spasms at the sight. I admire the way his lips perk up from looking at them from the side, his top lip having that 'c' shape underneath his nose alongside that deep, pink hue. I'm practically drooling at the idea of having a chance to be in that cupboard with him. Sashas voice snaps me out of my Eren-daydreaming.

'Let's get this shit started!" she screeches, handing the bottle to eren who in return gives her a quizzical look. He quickly glances at me before spinning the beer bottle. My stomach twists in anticipation. My head sags when the bottle points towards Christa, who is currently flushed and trying to contain herself. I don't blame her, but it invokes a passionate anger deep within my stomach and my fists begin to buzz. She's practically slept with every guy- and girl- I can think of. She doesn't need to add Eren to the list of her boy toys. I desperately attempt to withhold my roiling anger and jealousy but the heat in my face indicates it may be a little obvious.

'Sorry, (Y/n)" Sasha whispers sympathetically into my ear. I roll my eyes humorously, but there is absolutely no humour. Eren silently hauls himself to his feet and hesitantly follows Christa, who is already taken occupation in the cupboard. Great. Images of Eren's tongue roaming her mouth fill my mind and the thought of his hands travelling all over her body make me want to kick a hole in the wall... with her face on the other side. The seven minutes tick by agonisingly slow, one minute feels like one hour as I wait impatiently for this to be over with. I contemplate getting up and leaving but that's when the timer sounds. I subconsciously look towards the cupboard doors, which open the instant the timer goes off. I half expected both of them to be a panting mess, with one of them dragging the other by the hand to continue their session elsewhere but I was mildly shocked to see Eren exit behind Christa with a plain expression. No lipstick marks or anything. Christa seemed to be fuming, glaring an inferno of fury my way. Why is she looking at me like that? I haven't done anything. I give her a questioning look but she sits back down beside Reiner and stares at the carpet. Eren sits back down beside me and hands me the bottle with a playful grin.

"Your turn." he smiles. I return the expression, however the smile fails to meet my eyes. I spin the bottle with all my frustration which sends it into a flurry of motion. It spins for about five seconds and breath gets trapped in my throat as I see who it lands on. Eren. My chest starts thrumming from my pounding heart, everyone in the room could probably hear it. Eren stands, the scent of washing detergent and weed filling my nostrils as if it were a drug. I stare after him as he waits patiently in the cupboard giving me a wide grin.

"Jeez, Eren's getting some action!" Connie pipes up.

"Shut up, Connie." Christa snaps.

"What are you doing? Go!" Sasha whispers with urgency and I make no attempt to argue. I stand swiftly and casually wander into the cupboard beside Eren. He closes it behind me and darkness floods this tiny, confined space. A faint light filters through the gaps, illuminating his eyes and the curve of face- and moist lips. Did he lick them? We stand in awkward silence for a few moments, Eren trying to give me as much space as possible despite how cramped we were, which I deeply appreciate. He shuffles nervously.

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