~Christmas Back Again~

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Weeks had passed, everything was ok. The bad things that happened to me all of the sudden disappeared. I didn't think much of it, I took my pills everyday and that was it. It was winter, the snow was everywhere. I didn't see Hermione all day. I wondered what happened. I was eating dinner until I heard whispers saying that Hermione had been in the bathrooms crying all day. I hummed for myself before I jumped from the sound of someone opening the great hall doors and came running in while screaming, "TROLL, TROLL IN THE DUNGEONS!" The man fainted on the floor and everyone got up from their seats and started to scream. "SILENCE!" Professor Dumbledore shouted and told the prefects to take us to our common rooms. "Wait, isn't the bathroom in the dungeons?" I started to look for Harry and Ron and spotted them in the crowd, I squeezed through the crowd to get to them. I told them that Hermione was in the bathroom in the dungeons, they nodded and we all started walking there. Percy then grabbed my arm, stopping me. "You're in no condition to go anywhere. Come with me." I looked at Harry and Ron nodding at them and they ran off to find Hermione.

The next day I saw Hermione sitting by the Gryffindor table. I walked up to her and sat down asking her if she was alright. She was fine thanks to Harry and Ron who rescued her from the troll. I turned to see Fred and George and they quickly turned away. I just sighed, they had been avoiding me for weeks.

Time flew by and Christmas was right around the corner. Everyone was packing to go celebrate Christmas with their families, I on the other hand was staying at Hogwarts. "Are you sure you'll be fine here?" one of the girls asked me. "Yeah I'll be fine don't worry" "Ok then, I'll see you in a few weeks," she gave me a hug and I waved her goodbye. I was now alone. All alone. Sitting on the couch in the common room staring at the Christmas tree. I was sad that I couldn't go home. The nurses had decided it was the best if I stayed here during my rehabilitation.

The next day it was Christmas, I got up still in my pjs. I went downstairs and turned to see the Christmas tree. My eyes widened surprised as I saw some presents lying under the tree. I knew my parents wanted to wait for me to open my present till I got home. There were several boxes so I decided to pick one up, it was small and had my name on it. I opened it up and it was a present from Hermione. It was a silver ring with a red stone on it. I smiled to myself and opened the next one, it was a sweater with the first letter of my name in yellow and the sweater was red. It was from Ron, the other was some earrings from Harry. I sat down happy over all the friends that I had gotten the past few months here. There was one more small box lying there, I picked it up and opened it, it was a beautiful necklace with a white crystal. "Who is it from?" I saw a little note on the box and opened it.

Dear Cora

Meet me on the outside of the Gryffindor common room at 12:00 pm.

I read the note, it didn't have a name on it. I looked up at the clock that was hanging on the wall, it was 11:00 am. I ran upstairs to get changed. I put the new necklace on and I went downstairs. I opened the common room door and saw a familiar tall red head, it was George. I only knew that as he had his name on his jacket. "George what are you doing here?" "I was waiting for you." "You're the person who sent me the note?" "And the necklace that I see you're wearing." "You didn't have to do that..," I mumbled and looked down at it, It was clearly worth a lot. "Well after I heard that you got attacked I just felt so guilty. I didn't know how to tell you, that's why I've been avoiding you. Well, Fred too though. He was quite sad he couldn't make it today. Our mother needed his help to make sure Ron made it home safely. Fred actually worked a lot to make sure we could get you that necklace," George mumbled and looked down at me. "It's beautiful. And it's not like I'm not dead or anything," I gave him a teasing look and his face turned red. I giggled "Again, it's not your fault. Tell Fred I said thanks. I'll see you soon George," I said and walked back to the common room. "Oh and merry christmas!" I yelled before I closed the door behind me with a big smile on my face.

I sat down in front of the fireplace and grabbed some papers. I decided to write something to my family for christmas. "The weeks have passed by and I have gotten more and more used to living at Hogwarts. I can't believe we're already halfway through the year, it's gone by way too fast. I've been doing great at charms, potions, and especially flying classes. I've gotten a lot of great friends and I actually feel a lot closer to them after everything that happened to me. I'll be home for summer. Can't wait to see you guys again. Merry Christmas. Love Cora xx" As I finished writing my letter I called for Quill and she flew down to me. "Deliver this to Mom and Dad, ok?" I said and gave her the letter. I walked over to the window and opened it for her. She nodded at me and flew away.

I went back upstairs to my room and I walked over to my bed, lying down. I looked at the necklace Fred and George had got me and I smiled to myself. I grabbed some books from my nightstand and I started reading. I read for hours and hours and I eventually fell asleep with my face planted deep down in my books. I didn't get one second of proper sleep. I had some weird dreams that kept me awake the whole night. I couldn't even tell what they were. There were loads of fog, creepy snakes, people in long black robes, torches everywhere and some kind of big, dark abandoned building in front of me. When I woke up in the morning I was just glad it all was over. I walked over to the window yawning and rubbing my eyes. I looked out seeing a huge Christmas tree in the middle of the courtyard. Hagrid stood next to it admiring the view. I laughed to myself and got dressed.

The next weeks went by faster than I could ever imagine. Though my birthday was a bit lonely, I still had a lot of fun. I went out with Hagrid and he showed me all of his amazing animals. I got a letter from my parents as well. They seemed worried after the incident, but they said the letter I sent them helped a lot. They couldn't wait for me to get home and all of my presents were waiting for me still untouched by my siblings. The christmas holiday was almost over and everyone was coming back in just a few days.

"Welcome back to Hogwarts, I hope you all have had a great Christmas Holidays and spent some time with your loved ones," Dumbledore said before he spreaded out his arms and the students fell silent, he announced in a loud voice. "Let the feast begin!" As soon as the words left his mouth the tables filled with every kind of dish you can imagine. I've never eaten so much in my life. I was so full after that feast, my belly was aching.

A Weasley Love Story: Year 1Where stories live. Discover now