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Summer on the boiling isles is, well, true to the name boiling. The heat is intense, the daylight clings to the nights longer and (thankfully) there is a lot less boiling rain.

Amity always hated summer on the isles, with no school she was often trapped in the Blight Manor like a caged bird or a princess from some tacky fantasy novel, (unlike Azura, some people have taste). Then expected to 'take the opportunity to get ahead while others are distracted', she recalled her mother's words, a shiver sent down her spine. It didn't help that she couldn't focus with the mid-day heat occupying her stuffy room.

'Summer's the worst.'

She turned her attention back to her studies on 'the boiling isles, an in-depth history', and let out a sigh, picking up her pen. A few minutes into mindlessly copying key points down from the book, her scroll pinged on the desk, causing her to jump slightly.

The name 'Luz' appeared at the top of the scroll; Amity felt her numb expression morph into a small smile:

L: hey, I haven't seen you all summer, I miss you!

She stared down at the message and her heart twinged. She was ecstatic that Luz cared, and it was unavoidably cute that she was reaching out..Titan, why was she this cute doing literally anything?

However, there was one problem - she wasn't allowed out of the house for practically anything that didn't involve extra credit.

A: Hey, I've been...busy. Miss u 2 though.

L: Wanna come goblin hunting with me willow and gus? :)

A: I'd love like to but my parents are super strict. I'm not sure they'd say yes.

L: I'm sure if you ask them they'd reconsider! Read, 13:14.

Amity's parents weren't bad parents, they just, wanted their children to succeed is all! But she knew the chance of her parents saying yes were next to none, sadly, even if it wasn't anything as reckless as goblin hunting.

A: Maybe another time?
She lied.

Her day sped by; she had her dinner in her room, courtesy of the staff and her parent's long shifts, after making significant progress on a few subjects, she piled up her textbooks and placed them on a shelf, sighing. Maybe she could re-read some Azura before heading to sleep?

'I wonder what Luz is doing.'

'Probably something a lot more exciting.'

As if on command, her scroll pinged, lighting up her dim, candle-lit bedroom.

L: look outside. Read, 11:23,


Skeptical, but trusting, she walked over to her window, and threw open the two diamond-pattern window panels, this was Luz she must have some bizarre reason for leaving a message like that, right?

She looked left to right, nothing was there. Did she misunderstand?

Suddenly, a hushed voice came from just below her window, "down here, princess." Luz grinned, looking up at Amity from her perch on Eda's staff, hovering below.

Amity may or may not have almost fallen through the window at the sight.

"Wha- I- princess-? what are you doing here Luz?!" The green-haired girl hissed, she didn't mean to sound quite as hostile, but her parents would petrify her if they knew of this. Old habits die hard, I suppose.

Luz's face dropped, looking like a scolded puppy, before she regained her signature grin, "I would say rescuing a princess, but I know you don't need rescuing so..."Luz rubbed the back of her neck and looked away for a moment, "offering a princess a night-time joyride?"

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