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The lights turned back on and the body of the spirit was gone. leaving a poorly cleaned floor, the old blood left in the cracks, a sign it really happened. yoongi put a hand on his heart feeling it beat like crazy and kneeled down holding his head.

"of fuck....fuck fuck fuck" he didnt need to see that. he didnt know how to even process this. With a shaky hand he grabbed the device and tried it, just to be sure.



only static. Hoseok was gone. His spirit left the Hotel. 

Yoongi knew he should feel glad he helped him but he couldnt think right now, he was too shocked of what he just witnessed. Taking a deep breath he sat there. But suddenly the device stated making a loud static and a voice was heard.



"hello? Jimin?" yoongi said worried.

"h-he's here....he's...here....i-im scared...he is...here.."

"Who, who is where?" yoongi asked and frowned standing up.

but when yoongi listened closely, he heard shouting. someone was shouting Jimin's name, but not only form the device, yoongi could hear it echo through the building.

"seokjin...." he mumbled. he cant let him get to Jimin. Looking around him he saw the glass door that lead to the ground flor, he saw the desk and chairs. "fuck it" he said and kicked as hard he could against the glass, to his surprise it was rather thin and it shattered on impact. He then took a deep breath and looked up.

"SEOKJIN! COME GET ME PUSSY" he said. inside he regretted that immediately, but he had to do it.

for Jimin.

There was a loud bang coming from upstairs and thats when yoongi sprinted off. he pressed the elevator button fast.

"come on come on. hurry the fuck up" he mumbled trying to not shout at the doors. behind him he could hear someone run down the stairs at speed.

"Dont test me, VISITOR." it was no doubt seokjin, yoongi recognized his voice in an instant now, not like it could be anyone else.

Then finally the doors opened and yoongi got inside quickly pressing the button to his safe room. He was going back to Jimin and get some water, and clam his crazy heart. As soon the doors opened he ran to the room unlocking it with his keys and bursted inside. Startling Jimin who sat on the bed, he looked in fear around him.

"its me its me" yoongi quickly said after he locked the door behind him and walked to the blonde. 

"he is...coming..for me....he is coming for..me ... he-"

"shh he isnt, he is in the ground floor, he isnt here. calm down" yoongi said gently takin the boy's shaking hands in his looking at him.


"dont think of him, think of me, Im here, you are safe here "yoongi said jimin looked away to the door with unsteady eyes. "hey, hey look at me, look at me" the raven turned the boy's face and made him look. "im here.. you are not alone."

"....hurts" jimin said and curled up with a sob. "m-mom.....t-taehyung..."

"im sorry" yoongi sat down next to the boy and carefully pulled him in a hug, trying not to hurt him. To his surprise it seemed to calm Jimin down quite well and fast. feeling the shaking boy relax in his arms, his smaller hands clutched yoongi's shirt.

"p-please dont......Die....Too" Jimin said softly. His dull eyes staring at the wall.  He let out a whimper before he started to cough.
Yoongi looked worried at the boy and let go so he could move.

"i wont die, I promise"

"...w-water...." Jimin said with a hoarse voice weakly trying to reach for the almost empty bottle. Yoongi quickly gave the bottle to the boy amd removed the cap for him.
Jimin took little sips to lessen his thirst and wiped his lips.

"..thank you..."

"Hoseok is gone, i saw it"

"....I see...." Jimin said he didnt look al too surprised. "i...Thought so, how.... did....he die?"

"i think he fell down the stairs....He died immediately" Yoongi said and shivered remembering the image.

"...Ah...." Jimin looked a bit sad about that.

"do you need anything? Should i get more food?"

"c-can.. you?....."

"for you i can, i will see if i can find anything nice. Other than water and bread."

"....thank you..."

"alright, i will head back down then" yoongi stood up. He was scared to lave the room back to the place he was alone. Alone with someone who wanted to murder him. But he didnt want to look scared in front of the boy, he wanted Jimin to feel safe.

The raven peeked through the peephole. When yoongi unlocked the door he head a soft voice come from the room.


"yes Jimin?" the raven looked back.

".....Be careful...Please"

"i will, dont worry" yoongi gave him a assuring smile. Then took a deep breath heading out. He made sure to lock the door before walking away.

"okay....Food" he said to himself. He was gonna run down and head back up. No time to waste. just in and out, no waiting or searching.

Yoongi made his way to the elevator and pressed the ground floor button. When the elevator made the *ping* he hid behind the wall, in xase seokjin was waiting here. He didnt expect seokjin to still be here...But you never know.

"okay, you can do this" he told himself and ran as silent he could towards the restaurant. Pushing open the door he looked around. The chairs that had fallen who knows how long ago it was by now were still laying there lost.

Suddenly yoongi heard a shuffle. He turned around and looked at the door. The flickering light of the restaurant made it not easy so see.
In a normal moment he would say 'hello?' but right now, he didnt say anything. He listened closely....There were footsteps....

"shit" he muttered and was about to hide when a figure came around the corner. yoongi froze thinking it was seokjin, but that posture was different, and when the light flickered he saw his face, and it definitely wasn't seokjin. but the shadow on the wall made it clear that is also wasnt a vision.....he was really there. the man looked up when yoongi spoke up unsure and surprised, their eyes locked,




thank you for reading my double update today, see you in the next chapter!

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