In the Beginning

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"I don't really care, Davorin." Elaia sniffed. "She must go." With hands planted firmly on either armrest of the throne where she sat, looking the opposite direction of her handsome prince. "She has been too much of an intrusion on our life together since the beginning." She sniffled again. If she had turned toward the King-in-Waiting, he would have seen the glistening of tears in her eyes. She never let herself really cry. Only the wetness could take hold. Crying was for weak fools.

Davorin sighed. If it were not for the agreement he had with his father, he would have been able to occupy the castle in the neighboring province of Pudal, but when his father met the bewitching Elaia of Corentin, all was lost. He agreed the home in the neighboring province was moot and the marriage of Prince Davorin and Lady Elaia was made in haste.

"I wish to stay in Hannelor, Davorin." Elaia said.

"Yes, my lady." was all he could manage in his reply. "I will see to it that Sindell and--her son--" his pause caused pain, "are removed."

"And put in the dungeon." She smirked and pierced through her eyelashes at her prince as she flicked two of her fingers away.

Davorin lowered his head, in agreement. There was nothing more he could do. She had been the source of his happiness for a short time and the bewitching personality of Lady Elaia of Corentin was more than his stalwart command could master. He had fallen, and his wife and child would suffer because of a selfish, magical being.

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