People of the shadow world

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In the shadow world there are 3 types Mudames,Shadowhunters,Downworlders.

There are 3 types of shadowhunters:
Regual shadowhunters

Shadow Warriors:the second strongest amongst shadowhunters

Shadow Knights:the strongest shadowhunters amongst all of Idris (shadowhunters home land).

Shadowhunters: are people of have half angel blood and half mundane blood. Their called

Warlocks: are people who have demon blood and mundane blood.

If you get bite by a vampire or werewolfs you might become one or die.

Seelie are people who tell the turth they can never lie,and you can't tell if their lying or not. They not really nice people.It just depends who you are and your behavior.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2023 ⏰

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