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anybody who adds this book to their reading list gets a song! if you add this book to your reading list, do not ask for a song, im making you one anyways, if you want, you can tell me what you want the song to be about or the title, or i could surprise you :3 (if you dont tell me what you want the song to be about, its gonna be depressing/angsty/sad cuz thats easiest for me XD)

i try to clear my mind

but it wanders far away

wheres it going this time?

i cant get it to stay

my heart is beating faster

my thoughts are going black

my sanity will shatter

and it never will come back...

im stuck inside the shadows!

i dont think that im alone!

my life, it slowly crumbles!

i feel so far away from home!

no life

no brain

just suffering and shame!

i wish my pain

would just go away!

i dont feel right

i dont feel safe!

i'm broken and im shattered!

my heart is full of holes!

my mind is full of shadows

consuming my black soul!

they say im alright

they say im ok

but they dont see me

crying in the rain!

they cant see my pain!

they dont see the storm

raging in my brain!

no colors

all gray

no love

all heartbreak

no deep love

so shallow

no light...

its all shadows

DONE! im realizing that it is difficult to write multiple songs without reusing lyrics XD but this is what i got :/ 

i dont know if you can even call this a good song because in my head the melody changed so much XD if you can find a decent melody to put in here, that would deserve an award. it sounds terrible as a song and a poem... so maybe it works better as a rap? idk, im too lazy to check XD

i hope you like it! (i dont know why you would)

𝑭𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓'𝒔 𝑴𝒆𝒅𝒊𝒐𝒄𝒓𝒆 𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈𝒔Where stories live. Discover now